Aaaaaand it’s true.. Alex cheated on Binky – MIC

After all the rumours, lies and investigations the truth finally came out about Alex cheating on Binky in last nights MIC… And unfortunately it was true.

After Cheska received the strange text in last weeks episode, last night we watched her struggle with the decision of whether she should tell Binky of the information or not. After a few conversations with Stevie and her mother she came to the decision of letting Binky know the truth, and she did this at Lucy’s birthday party. There’s always drama at a MIC party.

Bearer of bad news: Cheska took Binky to one side and explained that Alex couldn't be trusted

As soon as Cheska approached Binky she already knew something  was up as Binky questioned Cheska curiously saying “what”, Cheska finally revealed that the rumours were true and a friend close to Alex had told her Alex had cheated on Binky.

Alex then approached the girls and very lamely used the excuse to Binky that he goes through nights where he can’t remember what happened due to being too drunk. By this time Binky was already hysterical and didn’t even want Alex to touch her, claiming she was so stupid for even believing his lies. Now that the truth has finally come out we’ll see whether what’s left of this relationship will survive or not. 

Emotional: Alex is tearful as her draws Binky in for a hug as he is unable to deny the allegationsHeartbroken: Made in Chelsea's Binky bursts into tears after she hears of boyfriend Alex's infidelity

It was also nice to see Spencer get a taste of his own medicine last night as he got turned down by his most recent crush Emma. After turning up late to Louise’s singles dinner last week and allowing Emma to go by herself, Spencer decided to try to make things up with Emma by taking her on fancy date. On the date he asked her to be his girlfriend to which she responded she liked the way things were going, the flirting and all, and she didn’t think he was mature enough to be in a relationship. Despite Spencer trying to convince her she was the one and he was waiting for the one to settle down with Emma simply responded ‘no’. Ha in your face Matthews 😀 

Charmer: Spencer did his best to try and impress Emma with a dinner date

Playing hard to get: Emma told Spencer that she wasn't going to be won over easily
Next week we’ll see the return of Stephanie Pratt as she’s now BFF’s with Lucy Watson. Wooo love me some American accent and a member of The Hills. And of course there’ll be lots more drama with her return, which we just love.

Firm friends: Former frenemies Stephanie Pratt (left) and Lucy Watson (right) leave Cecconi's restaurant in London on Wednesday