Slap, crackle and pop – MIC

Alex finally got what he deserved last night when Binky slapped him at Stevie’s surprise birthday party for hiding yet another truth from her. Jamie revealed to Lucy that Spencer and Alex went on a night out, when Alex and Binky were on a break, and both hooked up with multiple girls. Lucy, being the bearer of bad news always, went to the others girls with this news to seek their advice. Louise, Rosie and Lucy came together for the betterment of their friend and decided she ought to know the truth. When confronted by Lucy and Louise Alex had no other option but to fess up, which brought yet more shame, anger and disappointment to Binky, resulting in her finally giving him a lovely slap. I really hope these two don’t get back together as she will then look like the stupidest girl around. 

Nothing but the truth: Lucy Watson managed to pry the information out of Jamie Lang and enlisted the help of Louise Thompson before confronting Alex and Spencer in front of Binky

After watching last night’s episode I can wholeheartedly say Spencer is the most shittest, selfish, pathetic friend ever. He showed that his loyalties lie with nobody and he only cares about himself and his own desires. After going on an awkward double date with Sam, Sam’s current lady love and her friend, it came out that Spencer had previously hooked up with Sam’s girl Christina. Fair enough Spencer has hooked up with the whole of Chelsea so why would she have been an exception? But when Sam probed him on whether he would go there with her again he said he wouldn’t, yet at Stevie’s party Christina’s friend made it known to Sam that the night of the date the two of them did hook up. Sam threw his drink in Spencer’s face and showed him what a crappy friend he is, Spencer once again showed no remorse for his action.. Complete and utter twat.

Not only was Spencer a shit friend to Stevie he was also an awful friend to Binky as he knew what Binky and Alex were going through but still took him on a night out and most likely encouraged him to hook up with the girls. Therefore the worst friend award would definitely go to Spencer. 

Defensive: At first Alex repeatedly faked innocence as Louise and Lucy tried to get him to make the admission before he evetually said, 'Yeah I might have hooked up with somebody'

Next week it looks like Stevie’s going to bring out the bad boy in him by having a little fling with Stephanie, despite dating Riley, we’ll see how that pans out. 

Rare happy moment: Stevie was able to enjoy the first half of his surprise party before the drama unfolded