Naughty Stevie’s ‘Got Game’ 

Just when I thought the MIC boys couldn’t get any worse the innocent little Stevie joins the bad boys club. Stevie, the nicest guy in Chelsea, and my second favourite after Jamie, did a 360 this episode by turning from the only decent guy in MIC to thinking he’s now ‘got game’. Having been on a few dates with Riley it seemed that all was going well for the couple, that was until Stephanie managed to lure him on a date. On the pretence of wanting a London tour guide Stephanie got Stevie to take her out for the day, in which they flirted like crazy and also shared a cheeky little kiss. When Sam heard about this he wasted no time in relaying the news to Riley and hers and Stevie’s little fling quickly came to an end. I have to say Stevie and Steph make a very odd couple so we’ll see how long this charade lasts.

Stevie Johnson talks to Riley Uggla after kissing Stephanie Pratt - 26 May 2014

Stevie Johnson talks to Riley Uggla after kissing Stephanie Pratt - 26 May 2014

In other MIC news irritating Alex shed more crocodile tears to try and get Binky back; I don’t even understand why he’s being given any air time as he’s such a prick and somehow believes he can make up for cheating on Binks five times. Get real Alex. I really hope Binky doesn’t take him back. 

Falling apart: The couple were seriously dramatic as they wept and wailed on the waterside

Spencer continued to be the ass**** he is by stepping on everyone’s toes and showing no remorse for it. He already angered Binky by being a crappy friend to her and allowing Alex to have an orgy with him, but he also proved to a shitty friend to Sam by stealing the girl he was seeing. In this episode he continued to go on dates with Sam’s crush Christina and showed no regret for his behaviour at all. Such a tool! Nobody from the Chelsea gang seems to have any loyalties towards each other apart from Louise and Sam; and that’s only because they’re siblings.

Spencer Matthews, Jamie Laing

Louise Thompson confronts Spencer Matthews [E4]

Jamie the absolute cutey continued to be a breath of fresh air with his cheesy humour and flirty banter. He managed to convince Riley to go on a date with him after her and Stevie came to an end and I don’t think Lucy will be too happy about this next week. No mater what Jamie does you’ve got to love him simply because of his crazy, outrageous personality. My ultimate fave Heavy black heart


A match made in Heaven - or Chelsea? Jamie and Riley get close on the latest episode



More next week, ciao for now Victory hand