Noooo Jamie noooo – MIC

As much as I love Jamie his antics in lasts nights Made in Chelsea really irritated me; Lucy and Jamie make such a great couple so I think it was completely out-of-order for him to ask out her intern Riley. Why can’t the two of them just get back together already?! And then kissing Riley in front of Lucy was just completely unfair. Things however are looking up as it seems next week Laing will reveal that his feelings for Lucy just won’t go; yayyy the silver lining reappears. 

Jamie and Riley continue to flirt up a storm [E4]

In the last few episodes I’ve really grown to like Lucy and her attitude, independence and ability to stand up for what she believes is right. I’ve been getting so bored of Binky’s story with Alex and her pathetic nature of going back to him after he cheats on her a gazillion times, but what has made the entire situation even more stupid is the way she has started to mend her relationship with Alex but break things off with her friends. We saw this week how Lucy, Cheska, Fran and even Louise were getting fed up of Binky’s reluctance to keep away from Alex. As much as these girls have supported her it seems that Binky only sees what she wants to and couldn’t care less about the love and support she’s gained from her friends. Binky really was one of my favourite MIC cast members but this relationship drama has brought her down in my ratings. 

Lucy Watson and Binky Felstead come to blows [E4]



In other MIC scenarios Steph and Stevie’s relationship seems to be going well; I still don’t know whether this relationship is real or not but I guess only time will tell. 

the steves

I can’t wait for next week’s episode in which Lucy and Jamie will hopefully reunite, fingers crossed 

The cast is currently in NYC filming for MIC-New York and this picture did make me a little giddy:

Love them as a couple #thatisall