Marnie and her men – Geordie Shore

Things get fired up in the Geordie shore house when Marnie becomes the new trophy amongst the boys.

First it was Scott, in the previous season, that Marnie was loved up with. Their relationship ended as just friends when the season ended. And we then saw Gaz and Marnie cosying up when this season began.

After many hook ups and tash on’s Gaz and Marnie agreed to just remain friends and of course Gaz wanted to explore other women. But it seems newbie Aaron is the next join Marnie’s string of men. Despite Aaron’s persistence that he will not do anything with Marnie just yet, due to the boy code, even though he has feelings for her, Marnie continued to try and lure Aaron into her arms.

When the truth came out about Gaz breaking his own boy code by hooking up with Marnie just days after her and Scott called it quits, the house was fuming. The ‘I hate Gaz’ club began and a huge brawl between Scott and Gaz led to Gaz leaving the house with an injured hand. Aaron then got into bed with Marnie as he realised the boy code meant nothing.


Tash on tours goes international, Made in Chelsea hits New York and the Americans take over the big brother house!

With the madness and fast pace of life I haven’t had the opportunity to blog about some of my favourite shows that I’ve been watching recently, so I thought I’d take the time out and write a quick post of some of the latest reality shows that have me hooked.

The Geordies were back in town to go wild, party and show everyone how it’s done in the Toon. Garry brought along his best pal Aaron and soon into the show Marnie’s best friend Kyle also joined the crew. From the original gang the remaining ones are now Garry, James, Vicky, Charlotte, Holly and Scott.

Aaron and Kyle managed to settle in quite well with the others once the relationship dynamics had been established. The girls tried to keep Kyle to themselves but the boys fast took him under their wing and showed him how to pull a few birds. He has taken a liking to Holly and is showing more of an interest in her than the club girls, but I very much doubt that a relationship will form at the end of show.

This time round Anna, the boss, realised these lot are not good at anything apart from Tashing on so she made this their main job. To go out, entertain groups and get everyone to ‘neck’ on with one another. The ‘Tash on Tours’ theme was taken to Iceland where friction in the group did occur, but it was all forgotten once they got tashing on with everyone.


The MIC gang have flown out to New York for the summer and we’ve seen quite a few new faces on the show, including Bille, who has both Spencer and Stevie fighting to win her over, Alik who has shown a keen interest in Louise, and Jules who has outdone Spencer in the dating game.  

Jules claims he is in a polyamorous relationship, which basically means he can have a girlfriend and sleep around with other girls too, with the approval of his girlfriend. Up until recently Jules and Rosie were getting to know each other, until she found out about his lifestyle choice and kicked him to the kerb.

Apart from the newbie’s some of the Chelsea drama did follow the crew to New York as Binky turned up without Alex. He then followed her to New York but she told him she wanted nothing to do with him. When the news came out that he had hooked up with Jamie’s ex Tara nobody had anything nice to say to or about him, so he grabbed his passport and quickly flew back to England.

MIC NY is not shaping out to be what I had quite expected it to be. They have lived up to the glamorous lifestyle however the drama just doesn’t seem to be as interesting as it was back in Knightsbridge, but perhaps it will get better.

Big Brother 2014 was a fiery season with more fights and arguments than we have ever witnessed before. The theme was all about Big Brothers power trip, in which each week a housemate or housemates were given the power to make powerful decisions in the house. The power did get to many people’s minds but the most shocking thing to have happened was Helen Wood winning this year, despite being the most hated, argumentative and controversial housemate.

Some other housemates who stood out were Mark Byron; the sassiest and funniest one in the group, Ashleigh Coyle; the innocent bee who turned into the Ice queen half way through the season, and the only one to properly stand up to Helen, Chris Wright; the most sarcastic yet smartest and fair housemate and not to forget Winston and Ash who brought eye candy yet a great bromance to the house.


I didn’t think Celebrity Big Brother could top this year’s original Big Brother yet it is managing to do a pretty good job. Big Brother has managed to find the most wackiest and outrageous housemates for CBB2014, such as playgirl Frency who is from France yet lives in LA, Kellie Maloney; who happened to be former boxing promoter Frank Maloney before taking on a sex change, strictly come dancing’s James Jordan, Geroge Gillbey from Channel 4’s Google Box, former TOWIE and Geordie Shore stars Lauren Goodger and Ricci Guarnaccio, former The Hills star Stephanie Pratt and White Dee from the documentary Benefits Street. 

Audley nominatedDavid evicted

Edele nominatedFrenchy evicted
Gary nominatedGeorge
James nominatedKellie nominatede
Leslie evictedLauren
RicciStephanie nominated

We are already seeing small romances blossom between Lauren and Ricci and Stephanie and George as well as major arguments between many other housemates, so it definitely oozes great entertainment. Frency was also booted out of the house yesterday much to my happiness as I could not stand her crazy, unpredictable behaviour.

So much more is and has happened with these shows but I guess I just can’t squeeze it all in so that’s my brief recap of my reality TV fix.

Dan’s the man – Ex on the beach

Fit Dan from Australia rocked up on ex on the beach last night with the hopes of rekindling his relationship with Vicky. 

Dan appeared on Geordie shore when the gang went to Australia and had a little holiday romance with Vicky, since then they haven’t met so when he came yesterday it was a breath of fresh air to watch somebody get excited with the arrival of their ex. Smitten Vicky ran to the sea to welcome Dan and they quickly picked up where they left off. She did have the dreaded news to tell him about her short fling with Ross but Dan, being cool as a cucumber, took the news pretty well and they exchanged a cheeky little smooch.

Frankie officially left the villa yesterday as she was taken ill and was unable to continue to appear on the show. Marco was very excited by this news instead of worrying about his on/off girlfriend (twat) the other’s also seemed extremely relieved by her exit. 

Ex On The Beach

Talitha and Liam were made to go on a date together by the tablet of terror and, surprisingly, had a great time. Talitha managed to get the stirrer to open up about his feelings and relationship history and they have managed to form a bond together; much to the annoyance of Ashley. When Talitha began speaking to Liam about her relationship with Ashley, Ash did not seem very pleased by it and it looks like he may have reached his boiling point.

All the girls formed an ‘I hate Chloe’ gang this week and, when confronted by Farah about her flirtatiousness with the guys and ignoring of the girls, Chloe realised she has probably made a major mistake and has decided she is now going to be ‘team girls’.

Next week we’ll see more arrivals and more mayhem take place. 

About this Blog

When I was a Journalism student my tutors would always encourage us to start a blog, they’d say every journalist needs a blog, but I never did start one as I didn’t know what to write about. My life is really not that interesting so I thought it would be pointless to start a blog. Now that i’m a journalism graduate something recently clicked in my mind as to what I could blog about. Whats the one thing I love to do and I am quite addicted to? Reality TV ofcourse. I am into many of the reality TV shows; I’m a celebrity, TOWIE, Made in Chelsea, the old time favourite The Hills, Geordie shore, Jersey shore and the list goes on. So I decided what better to blog about than the main thing I regularly love to watch.

Yes I might sound like a lazy girl who watches TV all day but I promise i’m not that lazy.. I think. Having Sky+ makes it so much easier to be able to watch everything that I want to watch, and at anytime, therefore allowing me to not miss out on anything.

So here goes my first blog which will feature anything and everything that is to do with reality TV shows.
