Another ex rocks the boat – Ex on the beach 

Once again we saw another ex arrive at the ex on the beach villa to cause more chaos and drama; not that there wasn’t enough of it already.

‘Frankenstein’, as Emily calls Frankie, once again was raging about the other girls not liking her and argued with Marco about him not being allowed to go on a date with Emily; the poor guy just can’t catch a break. The funny thing was that ‘the tablet of terror’ sent Marco and Emily on a date, much to the annoyance of Frankie, and they actually had a good time. When they returned Frankie tried to have a word with Emily but she was having none of it and told her directly that she would be civil with her but she didn’t want anything to do with her.

The ex of Ross, Emma Jane, arrived this week which made things even more confusing as now the ex’s of ex’s are arriving; this being Chloe’s ex’s ex. Chloe – Ross – Emma Jane. Emma didn’t stir up much trouble this week but we’ll see what happens in the coming weeks. Her arrival however did cause more tension for Ross as he is now juggling three women; Chloe, Vicky and Emma. Ross and Vicky shared a lovely night together but things went downhill when he bragged about it to the boys the next day. They were then made to go on a date but Vicky was not happy with Ross’ boasting and left him midway a romantic carriage ride; I guess that relationship is over.

Ashley finally got his wish and went on a date with Chloe. They shared a great night together but his ex Talitha was very uneasy about it all and she caught on that Ashley does fancy Chloe. To try to get her own back she had a little tennis date with Jack which did make Ashley a little jealous but he knew what she was up to. In the end the two continued to flirt, bicker and then flirt some more. CONFUSING.

Many more ex’s are yet to arrive as the ex’ of Farah, Emily, Jack, Vicky and Liam haven’t appeared yet. We also need to see more ex boyfriends come in as so far many ex girlfriends have been entering.

Let’s see who’s ex is next and how it kicks off all over again. Round 10 ting ting ting Bell