Another ex, more mayhem, more drama 

An overcrowded house, the in pour of ex’s, secrets being exposed and ex’s rekindling their pasts all brought about a heap load of madness this week.

As more ex’s are beginning to enter the ex on the beach villa we are seeing lots of bed sharing taking place and ex’s revisiting where they left off. Chloe and Ross became extra flirty in last night’s episode and Ross told her that he felt that they had “unfinished business”, but just as quickly as he made this statement to her, the arrival of yet another one of his ex’s Shelby, showed how Ross is simply a ladies’ man or in other words ‘Marbella Ross’ as Vicky called him.

Chloe turned into a jealous ex yet again and immediately saw Shelby as her competition and threat by joining Ross is bed as he was in bed with Shelby, forcing Shelby to leave the bed.. Awkwardddd.

All was well in paradise for Ashley and Talitha as they became official boyfriend and girlfriend at the beginning of the episode, but the happiness didn’t last long. Talitha was made to go on a date with Joss, much to hers and Ashley’s annoyance, and it was a complete disaster, much to Ashley’s relief. But when Ash and Talitha got the opportunity to spend a night together whilst the others went out they ended up arguing and fighting. 

The next morning Talitha had a conversation with Joss in which it became clear that he had every intention to expose their previous kiss to Ashley. The fear of the truth coming caused Talitha to speak to Ashley and come clean, here’s when Ashley’s flipped his lid and went storming out to Jossy, seeing only red in his eyes. We’ll see in next week’s episode how this fight pans out. 

Farah and Jossy began hotting up even more but newbie Shelby also posed a threat to her as she is not only Ross’s ex but also Joss’s. Farah played it clever by getting information out of Shelby as to why she had come here and Shelby made it clear that she was there to get Ross back; music to Farah’s ears. 

Next week we may eventually see the much waited arrival of Ricci and how shit goes down between Vick and Ricc, it should be exciting. 

Ex with a vengeance – Ex on the beach 

This week we saw Talitha’s ex Joss turn up to the mad house. Joss came with the idea of getting Talitha back and getting even with her ex Ashley. He also made it known that Talitha cheated on Ash when they were together by sharing a kiss with Joss. He didn’t however make this known to Ash so it’ll be interesting to see how he reacts when he finds out. 

Ex On The Beach: Who is Joss Mooney's ex?

Liam went about shit stirring as per usual and was given the ultimate payback by having to go on a date from hell with Emily. The two were made to go on a camping date; much to both of their disappointment, and Emily especially was not a happy camper. Before embarking on the adventure Liam said he may have feelings for Emily but upon their return from the date he took all that back due to her moods and told the boys she had “Shit crack”.

With the arrival of Joss there was already trouble in paradise with Ash and Talitha, and of course Liam made things worse by having a private conversation with T. Ashley’s jealous streak came out when he witnessed this convo taking place and told the cameras “She better behave herself”. Can I say psychoooo?

Ex On The Beach star Ashley Cain

Farah and Joss got a little cosy after they were made to go on a date together but it’s evident that joss is simply being a ‘lad’ as he has supposedly had a fling, in the past, with many of the other girls in the house. Poor Farah.

We didn’t hear much from fit Dan or Vicky this episode but we saw bits of Ricky and are yet to witness the doom of his arrival. 




Psycho ex girlfriends and heated drama – Ex on the beach

In this weeks Ex on the Beach we saw Marco’s ex girlfriend Frankie become a complete and utter psycho. I mean we could already tell she was from the get go when she told Marco that he can’t go on any more dates, but in this second episode we also saw how gullible she was when she believed Liam that Marco actually liked Emily, of-course this was simply Liam trying to stir up some trouble. We then saw Frankie storm back to the house and pounce on Marco on his return. When it became knowledge that this was simply a lie Mad Frank continued to go off on Marco and told him to “Be a man about things instead of being an absolute girl.” Things then kicked off between the men but Liam stuck by his lie just to see a bit of drama occur.

The most shocking thing was that despite knowing Marco doesn’t have feelings for Emily, Frankie continued to put restrictions on him and this brought Emily to her boiling point, ending in an argument between Frankie vs Vicky and Emily. In this round it seems like Vicky and Emily won as we saw Frankie pack up to leave the house at the end of the episode. 

Vicky went on her third date with Ross, Chloe’s ex, and things have started to hot up between them. The funny thing is that although Chloe is having her own little fling with Ashley she can’t help but get jealous and moody when she sees Vicky and Ross return from a date; You can’t have your cake and eat it too love!

We also saw another ex arrive this week which was Ashley’s ex Talitha, a very pretty lady who looks very much like Nicole Scherzinger in my opinion. She was not as crazy or psycho like Frankie but was very vocal about the fact that she was here to get Ashley back. Her arrival was veryyyyy awkward as Ashley was giving Chloe a back massage, and on Talitha’s arrival Chloe struggled to get her bikini top back on.  Ashley made it clear that he did still have feelings for Talitha but that he still wanted to explore things with Chloe and go on a date with her. 

I’m still eagerly waiting on the arrival of Vicky’s ex Ricci as we know that’s when shit will go through the roof. But I think his arrival is being saved till the end. Let’s wait and see who’s ex is next! 😀