And it all comes to an end – Ex on the beach

Ex on the beach came to an end on Tuesday with its final episode. Things came to blows as Ashley dived in for Liam when he couldn’t deal with any more of his shit stirring, Ricci and Vicky attempted to bring closure to their negative history and some of the other couples attempted to tie up loose ends. 

Ashley got fed up of Liam’s shit stirring and confronted him, along with Ricci, when he could take no more. Ash charged in to attack Liam but but he just tried to walk away from him, and give him digs from afar. Ash was then made to leave the villa early on the last day due to his behaviour. Him and Talitha did however manage to end things on a positive note and even got back together after leaving the ex on the beach villa, however according to T’s tweet last night it looks like they’re once again broken up:


Ricci and Vicky attempted to put things to bed between them and reconcile their differences, however things didn’t pan out so well. Vicky tried to make Ricci feel as if he was in “her house” and Ricci wasn’t taking any of her nonsense, telling her she is simply a “bully”. After seeing the final episode I do feel sorry for Ricci and can see how it was completely unfair for him to be judged by everyone based on Vicky’s opinion, it was nice that Chloe stuck by his side despite many of the other girls siding with Vicky. The lads however did give Ricci a chance and he was accepted by many of them at the end. 

Dan was a complete gentleman throughout ex on the beach and I am quite gutted him and Vicky are no longer together, however I do believe that he was too good for her, a
nd good for him for finding himself a lovely lady back in Aussie land. 

Dan Conn Ex On The Beach

The oddest couple ever, Joss and Farah, didn’t end up together after the show finished; not a shocker at all. It seems that they only latched onto each other because they didn’t manage to find anyone else in the house. 

Ross and Shelby seemed like they would give their relationship a go again, but we then found out at the end that they never did continue things back in the U.K and Ross is still the player he always has been; no surprise. 

We also didn’t hear, see or learn much about Emma, Jack or even Chloe or Emily in the final episodes or many of the previous ones as the bigger characters took over. 

In the end it seemed that nobody managed to find love in the Ex on the beach villa, but it did make great TV and it was an awesome show. Hopefully there will be a season 2 and a variety of new ex’s and house-mates. 

Ex On The Beach

All that’s left to say is WHO’S EX IS NEXT?