And it all comes to an end – Ex on the beach

Ex on the beach came to an end on Tuesday with its final episode. Things came to blows as Ashley dived in for Liam when he couldn’t deal with any more of his shit stirring, Ricci and Vicky attempted to bring closure to their negative history and some of the other couples attempted to tie up loose ends. 

Ashley got fed up of Liam’s shit stirring and confronted him, along with Ricci, when he could take no more. Ash charged in to attack Liam but but he just tried to walk away from him, and give him digs from afar. Ash was then made to leave the villa early on the last day due to his behaviour. Him and Talitha did however manage to end things on a positive note and even got back together after leaving the ex on the beach villa, however according to T’s tweet last night it looks like they’re once again broken up:


Ricci and Vicky attempted to put things to bed between them and reconcile their differences, however things didn’t pan out so well. Vicky tried to make Ricci feel as if he was in “her house” and Ricci wasn’t taking any of her nonsense, telling her she is simply a “bully”. After seeing the final episode I do feel sorry for Ricci and can see how it was completely unfair for him to be judged by everyone based on Vicky’s opinion, it was nice that Chloe stuck by his side despite many of the other girls siding with Vicky. The lads however did give Ricci a chance and he was accepted by many of them at the end. 

Dan was a complete gentleman throughout ex on the beach and I am quite gutted him and Vicky are no longer together, however I do believe that he was too good for her, a
nd good for him for finding himself a lovely lady back in Aussie land. 

Dan Conn Ex On The Beach

The oddest couple ever, Joss and Farah, didn’t end up together after the show finished; not a shocker at all. It seems that they only latched onto each other because they didn’t manage to find anyone else in the house. 

Ross and Shelby seemed like they would give their relationship a go again, but we then found out at the end that they never did continue things back in the U.K and Ross is still the player he always has been; no surprise. 

We also didn’t hear, see or learn much about Emma, Jack or even Chloe or Emily in the final episodes or many of the previous ones as the bigger characters took over. 

In the end it seemed that nobody managed to find love in the Ex on the beach villa, but it did make great TV and it was an awesome show. Hopefully there will be a season 2 and a variety of new ex’s and house-mates. 

Ex On The Beach

All that’s left to say is WHO’S EX IS NEXT? 

The long awaited arrival of the dreaded ex – Ex on the beach 

Ricci finally arrived at the ex on the beach villa last night which caused major drama, panic and mayhem. Vicky completely freaked out when Ricci emerged from the sea, with nothing to say to him apart from “You little fucking tramp”. Chloe and Emily had Vicky’s back during the arrival as they stuck by her side and tried to calm her down when she cried and displayed her anger towards Ricci. 

The tablet of terror then made Chloe and Ricci go on a date in which Chloe judged Ricci from her own point of view instead of Vicky’s, and actually found him to be a decent guy. I did feel quite sorry for Ricci as he was pre judged by everyone due to Vicky’s opinions and he now has to change their opinions by trying to defend himself. 

Ex On The Beach Ricci Guarnaccio and Chloe Goodman

Ashley’s encounter with joss didn’t end up in a complete fist fight, however him and Talitha came to blows once again, resulting in them breaking up. Ash took this great opportunity to flirt with Chloe and even share a bed with her; news which was later conveyed to Talitha by none other than shit stirrer Liam. For now Talitha and Ash have broken up but we’ll just have to see how long the break up lasts in this doomed relationship. 

Ross and Shelby were made to go on an awful date to the cemetery at which they shared a kiss but Ross didn’t manage to get lucky; Shame Rossy. 

Next week we’ll see how the first meeting of Dan and Ricci pans out and also how Ricci copes with the hatred of Vicky.

Ex with a vengeance – Ex on the beach 

This week we saw Talitha’s ex Joss turn up to the mad house. Joss came with the idea of getting Talitha back and getting even with her ex Ashley. He also made it known that Talitha cheated on Ash when they were together by sharing a kiss with Joss. He didn’t however make this known to Ash so it’ll be interesting to see how he reacts when he finds out. 

Ex On The Beach: Who is Joss Mooney's ex?

Liam went about shit stirring as per usual and was given the ultimate payback by having to go on a date from hell with Emily. The two were made to go on a camping date; much to both of their disappointment, and Emily especially was not a happy camper. Before embarking on the adventure Liam said he may have feelings for Emily but upon their return from the date he took all that back due to her moods and told the boys she had “Shit crack”.

With the arrival of Joss there was already trouble in paradise with Ash and Talitha, and of course Liam made things worse by having a private conversation with T. Ashley’s jealous streak came out when he witnessed this convo taking place and told the cameras “She better behave herself”. Can I say psychoooo?

Ex On The Beach star Ashley Cain

Farah and Joss got a little cosy after they were made to go on a date together but it’s evident that joss is simply being a ‘lad’ as he has supposedly had a fling, in the past, with many of the other girls in the house. Poor Farah.

We didn’t hear much from fit Dan or Vicky this episode but we saw bits of Ricky and are yet to witness the doom of his arrival. 




All good things must come to an end – TOWIE

As this series of  TOWIE wrapped up we managed to experience some drama, patch ups and the return of an ex.

Lockie and Danielle finally decided to work on their relationship and make things right, as Lockie carried out his grand gesture of re-enacting the pretty woman scene and bringing Danielle a bunch of roses in a pink limo. At the Prince and Princess party he also told her of his plan to whisk her away to Morocco, and she agreed to go as long as they take things slow on getting back to how they were. It was nice to see that their relationship had not ended and that they were willing to make things right.

Last chance saloon: James Lock attempted to win back ex-girlfriend Danielle Armstrong with a very romantic gesture

From a romantic make-up came the awkward ending to Dan and Jasmine’s dating saga. He told Georgia that he didn’t see Jaz as his girlfriend in the long run, and of course in typical Essex fashion Georgia disclosed this information to Jaz at the party. Jaz then confronted Dan and told him that they were no longer friends as he had simply been playing with her feelings instead of being honest. She also could not understand why she is not seen as girlfriend material, which is quite funny.

Upset: It wasn't such good news for Jasmin and Dan as she admitted he had ruined their friendship for saying he doesn't want her as his girlfriend

Other ideas: However, Dan told Jasmin to stop feeling sorry for herself

We saw the tension between Fran and Ferne turn into a cat-fight as they argued over absolutely nothing and accused one another of being standoffish when they first met. As they screamed and swore at one another Diags found it appropriate to tell Ferne to F*** off as he didn’t like anyone screaming at his girlfriend, Ferne then ran off in tears but is later seen busting her moves on the dance floor; clearly unaffected by the row. However the row did make Diags tell Fran that he loved her but I wonder how long this relationship will last.

True love: Diags and Fran both confessed their true love for one another

Bobby and Charlie attempted to make things right between Chloe and Lauren, however this did not work out and things became a lot more awkward between them. Chloe was later seen cosying up to Mario, on the dance floor, at the party  so I guess they’re still together.

Hope: Charlie Sims and Bobby Norris tricked Chloe Sims and Lauren Pope into getting together in order for them to settle their differences

Lewis Bloor and Grace shared their first on screen kiss at the TOWIE party as he tells her he is completely single.

Sneaky smooch: Lewis and Grace kissed and made up and he carried her back into the party

However the most shocking pieces of news that brought the series finale to an end was Sam admitting that she was leaving TOWIE to focus on her health, work and relationship with Joey Essex; she will truly be missed. And the return of Arg’s ex Lydia Bright, which made Arg extremely jumpy and brought Gemma to tears seeing the affect Lydia had on him.

They're going to miss her: Sam broke the news to sister Billie Faiers and friends James 'Arg' Argent and Jessica Wright who gave her a tearful hug

It's me: Lydia eventually revealed herself but it was too much for Arg who walked out of the room

It's been a while: He gave her a hug and admitted he had missed her and she revealed it was the first time they had seen each other for 18 months

As TOWIE comes to an end the gang will be missed but I am now excited to watch the classy gang in Chelsea, with Made In Chelsea starting on Monday 😀

And the truth comes out, sort of – TOWIE

So finally the truth about Lockie’s cheating rumours came out as Bobby awkwardly told Danielle that he had been receiving messages from a woman who allegedly slept with’ Lockie’ James on a night out in Brighton. 

Bobby and Jess

Lockie and Dani

Just as things were beginning to go well for Dani and Lockie, having changed his number on the persuasion of Dani and behaving nicely towards her, Bobby threw the bombshell that Lockie’s cheating rumours could possibly be true. Danielle stormed out of the restaurant, after confronting Lockie about the texts, but not before throwing her drink all over him. When confronted the only thing Lockie could say in his defence was that he wasn’t really with Danielle anyway. Poor come back Lockie. 

James Lock

On a brighter note Diags finally told Fran that he had feelings for her and it seems she may also feel the same way back, as she told the girls Diags is definitely ‘husband material’. 

We also saw Dan Osborne with his adorable son, on Sunday’s episode, could Dan be any more cuter? And Ferne eventually gave Frank the boot, does this mean Charlie has a chance again? Lets wait and see. 

Dan and Teddy