Arms like Anj, a face like Owais, loyal like Shmoyel

Has Desi Rascals created a recipe for the perfect man? Not quite, but they have certainly chosen cast members who have had men and women drooling all over them.

desi rascals Desi Rascals, the new reality TV show similar to TOWIE, came to our TV screens in January  this year and we all got hooked on the story lines and the cast members.

The most intriguing pair were Moses Baig and Jo Shah, now known as Mojo, who’s love story  blossomed before our eyes and is still going strong.

Owais Khan and his string of bad luck brought a few laughs; despite his dapper looks and charm, Owais developed a stutter at a young age and this was portrayed on television. He was also ‘pied’ by a few ladies on the show for being too arrogant and self-centered. It began with Yasmin Karimi, continued with Rita Siddiqui and ended with his not so blossoming relationship with Scottish girl Feryal Javid Khan.

desi boys Anj Baig, owner of PMG gym and Anjees Dessert Lounge, certainly did not  go unnoticed to the audience, but unlucky for everyone Anj made it clear  that he was in a relationship from the beginning and his other half will not  be appearing on the show. However Anj was not hesitant on playing  cupid and even set up Owais and Feryal, unaware how that would end.

I can’t forget to mention our very own Zayn Malik lookalike Shmoyel  Siddiqui, a pop up art gallery owner. Shmoyel was not as loud as the other boys and only went on a few dates with Yasmin before calling it a day. He kept a little reserved on his love life and despite interest from Faryal, causing an extremely awkward scene but great entertainment, we did not see much of Shmoyel’s love life. However it seems that him and Natalie Shah, sister of Jo, are getting rather close so let’s wait and see if that develops.

shmoyel and owais With Desi Rascals 2 back on our screens this summer lets hope we see the  continued relationship of Mojo, Owais finally finding his Mrs. right,  Shmoyel and Natalie becoming a pair and Anj’s arms getting even bigger.


Tash on tours goes international, Made in Chelsea hits New York and the Americans take over the big brother house!

With the madness and fast pace of life I haven’t had the opportunity to blog about some of my favourite shows that I’ve been watching recently, so I thought I’d take the time out and write a quick post of some of the latest reality shows that have me hooked.

The Geordies were back in town to go wild, party and show everyone how it’s done in the Toon. Garry brought along his best pal Aaron and soon into the show Marnie’s best friend Kyle also joined the crew. From the original gang the remaining ones are now Garry, James, Vicky, Charlotte, Holly and Scott.

Aaron and Kyle managed to settle in quite well with the others once the relationship dynamics had been established. The girls tried to keep Kyle to themselves but the boys fast took him under their wing and showed him how to pull a few birds. He has taken a liking to Holly and is showing more of an interest in her than the club girls, but I very much doubt that a relationship will form at the end of show.

This time round Anna, the boss, realised these lot are not good at anything apart from Tashing on so she made this their main job. To go out, entertain groups and get everyone to ‘neck’ on with one another. The ‘Tash on Tours’ theme was taken to Iceland where friction in the group did occur, but it was all forgotten once they got tashing on with everyone.


The MIC gang have flown out to New York for the summer and we’ve seen quite a few new faces on the show, including Bille, who has both Spencer and Stevie fighting to win her over, Alik who has shown a keen interest in Louise, and Jules who has outdone Spencer in the dating game.  

Jules claims he is in a polyamorous relationship, which basically means he can have a girlfriend and sleep around with other girls too, with the approval of his girlfriend. Up until recently Jules and Rosie were getting to know each other, until she found out about his lifestyle choice and kicked him to the kerb.

Apart from the newbie’s some of the Chelsea drama did follow the crew to New York as Binky turned up without Alex. He then followed her to New York but she told him she wanted nothing to do with him. When the news came out that he had hooked up with Jamie’s ex Tara nobody had anything nice to say to or about him, so he grabbed his passport and quickly flew back to England.

MIC NY is not shaping out to be what I had quite expected it to be. They have lived up to the glamorous lifestyle however the drama just doesn’t seem to be as interesting as it was back in Knightsbridge, but perhaps it will get better.

Big Brother 2014 was a fiery season with more fights and arguments than we have ever witnessed before. The theme was all about Big Brothers power trip, in which each week a housemate or housemates were given the power to make powerful decisions in the house. The power did get to many people’s minds but the most shocking thing to have happened was Helen Wood winning this year, despite being the most hated, argumentative and controversial housemate.

Some other housemates who stood out were Mark Byron; the sassiest and funniest one in the group, Ashleigh Coyle; the innocent bee who turned into the Ice queen half way through the season, and the only one to properly stand up to Helen, Chris Wright; the most sarcastic yet smartest and fair housemate and not to forget Winston and Ash who brought eye candy yet a great bromance to the house.


I didn’t think Celebrity Big Brother could top this year’s original Big Brother yet it is managing to do a pretty good job. Big Brother has managed to find the most wackiest and outrageous housemates for CBB2014, such as playgirl Frency who is from France yet lives in LA, Kellie Maloney; who happened to be former boxing promoter Frank Maloney before taking on a sex change, strictly come dancing’s James Jordan, Geroge Gillbey from Channel 4’s Google Box, former TOWIE and Geordie Shore stars Lauren Goodger and Ricci Guarnaccio, former The Hills star Stephanie Pratt and White Dee from the documentary Benefits Street. 

Audley nominatedDavid evicted

Edele nominatedFrenchy evicted
Gary nominatedGeorge
James nominatedKellie nominatede
Leslie evictedLauren
RicciStephanie nominated

We are already seeing small romances blossom between Lauren and Ricci and Stephanie and George as well as major arguments between many other housemates, so it definitely oozes great entertainment. Frency was also booted out of the house yesterday much to my happiness as I could not stand her crazy, unpredictable behaviour.

So much more is and has happened with these shows but I guess I just can’t squeeze it all in so that’s my brief recap of my reality TV fix.

Congratulations Mr and Mrs. Kanye west!!

Finally the pictures from the wedding of the century are starting to spiral. We saw lots of the pictures on Instagram of the days leading up to Kim and Kanye’s wedding; The amazing lunches in Paris, to the day at Versailles and then more celebrations in Florence, Italy. But now the Kardashians have begun sharing pictures of the wedding ceremony and I have to say Kim looked amazing. Great job Givenchy! 

Here are a few of my favourite pictures from the wedding weekend. 

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photo 1  photo 2 (1)

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photo 3 (1) photo 3 (2) photo 4 (1) photo 4 (2)  photo 5 (1) photo 5

It’s a shame the wedding wasn’t filmed for KUWTK but I’m also glad they decided to keep it a personal affair.

Dan’s the man – Ex on the beach

Fit Dan from Australia rocked up on ex on the beach last night with the hopes of rekindling his relationship with Vicky. 

Dan appeared on Geordie shore when the gang went to Australia and had a little holiday romance with Vicky, since then they haven’t met so when he came yesterday it was a breath of fresh air to watch somebody get excited with the arrival of their ex. Smitten Vicky ran to the sea to welcome Dan and they quickly picked up where they left off. She did have the dreaded news to tell him about her short fling with Ross but Dan, being cool as a cucumber, took the news pretty well and they exchanged a cheeky little smooch.

Frankie officially left the villa yesterday as she was taken ill and was unable to continue to appear on the show. Marco was very excited by this news instead of worrying about his on/off girlfriend (twat) the other’s also seemed extremely relieved by her exit. 

Ex On The Beach

Talitha and Liam were made to go on a date together by the tablet of terror and, surprisingly, had a great time. Talitha managed to get the stirrer to open up about his feelings and relationship history and they have managed to form a bond together; much to the annoyance of Ashley. When Talitha began speaking to Liam about her relationship with Ashley, Ash did not seem very pleased by it and it looks like he may have reached his boiling point.

All the girls formed an ‘I hate Chloe’ gang this week and, when confronted by Farah about her flirtatiousness with the guys and ignoring of the girls, Chloe realised she has probably made a major mistake and has decided she is now going to be ‘team girls’.

Next week we’ll see more arrivals and more mayhem take place. 

The Real Housewives of Orange County

For eight seasons now I’ve been gripped on the Real Housewives of Orange County. I started watching it about two years ago, but once I started I caught up on all the episodes and now it’s become one of my regular recordings on Sky. 

Even though I don’t relate to these women one bit; I’m not married, a housewife or a multimillionaire, but watching these crazy women with their extravagant, over the top lives, friendships and drama’s is great to watch. I guess I’ve never really watched a programme because I could relate to it, I just love to watch anything that is pure entertainment and the RHOC is exactly that.

There have been a fantastic bunch of characters on RHOC, who have had many interesting story lines. Vicky Gunvalson is an original housewife who’s been on the show from series one till the most recent series. She has opened up her entire life on the show; her parenting style with her children Briana and Michael, marriage problems with husband Donn, friendship ups and downs with Jeana Keough, Tamra Barney, Lauri Peterson, Alexis Bellino and Gretchen Rossi, her divorce with Donn, new relationship with Brooks and the arrival of her new grandson and Briana’s son Troy. 

Some of the other women on the show have been:

Tamra BarneyTamra Barney – Tamra joined the show in series three and quickly became friends with Vicky. She allowed the cameras to come into her life and see the breakdown of her marriage with ex husband Simon, her wild side came out, She started a business called Wines by Wives with Vicky and her love affair with Eddie Judge has also been shown from the beginning. We also saw her amazing holiday to Boro Boro with Eddie, where he proposed to her, and in the latest series we are watching her plan her wedding. 

Gretchen RossiGretchen Rossi – Gretchen came on in series four and was instantly disliked by Vicky and Tamra. She was the centre of many controversies such as the ‘naked wasted’ dinner, her questionable relationship with the late, much older Jeff, her now long term relationship with Slade Smiley since the passing of Jeff (Slade also dated former RHOC Jo), her new found friendship with Tamra, and the friendship with Alexis Bellino; which has become non-existent in the past two series. 

Alexis BellinoAlexis Bellino – Devout, wife, mother and Christian Alexis has always stood by her man Jim throughout the show. She joined in series five and tried her hand at various jobs such as; a news correspondent, running her own dress line which is still on going, acting and now supports her husbands burgeoning trampoline park empire. Alexis has gone through a tough time with the ladies and has fought with almost everyone. However in the latest series she has managed to make amends with everyone, apart from Gretchen, and seems to be a lot more happier on the show. 

Heather DubrowHeather Dubrow – Heather came on the show in series seven and has oozed class and elegance throughout. Wife of plastic surgeon Terry Dubrow, Heather is leading an eccentric lifestyle along with her four children. The Dubrow’s have a huge house in OC and are well known and liked amongst all the wives and the men of the show. Heather is also an actress, who has restarted her profession in the latest series; showing that a woman can have it all. 

Lauri Waring PetersonLauri Peterson – Lauri was part of the show in series one as she was working for Vicky. From being a single mum to having her fairy tale wedding with her prince charming George Peterson, Lauri is now living the dream of an affluent housewife along with an army of children. Lauri has started to reappear on the show in the latest series and has brought along with her lots of drama and grudges. She has revealed secrets about Vicky to Gretchen that were years old and has even held a grudge with Vicky for seven years. She is bringing about lots of entertainment by stirring things up but I’m just not sure how exciting her story-line will be once she’s got her revenge. 

Lynne CurtinLynne Curtin – Lynne was part of the cast in series five and displayed her ditsy side to the world, as well as her oh too relaxed parenting style with her two daughters. Lynne is mainly remembered for her and her husband Frank’s explosive house eviction episode, in which one of their daughters had to retrieve the notice, Lynne came to realise that Frank had been hiding their financial problems from the family. I think a lot of the public felt sorry for Lynne, seeing the situation she was in and how distraught she was to have to find out about it last minute. 

Peggy TanousPeggy Tanous – The leggy blonde Peggy was part of series six of the RHOC. Former model and stay at home mum, Peggy was a new-age woman and wealthy party girl. Peggy was a good friend of Alexis’ but that friendship turned sour when it was revealed on the show that Peggy had previously dated Alexis’ husband Jim. Although Peggy was now happily married Alexis was not willing to believe that Peggy even dated Jim and the friendship went down like a plane crash. 

Lydia McLaughlinLydia McLaughlin- Lydia joined the cast in series eight, the most recent one. Lydia is married with two sons, and came on as a friend of Alexis. Just as Alexis is, Lydia is also a practicing christian. She owns a range of businesses and also runs a lifestyle magazine with her husband. So far on the show Lydia has been a little low key and quiet, trying to keep out of the drama and instead becoming a peacemaker between Alexis and Heather and Alexis and Tamra. She has had a small run in with Gretchen and her boyfriend Slade, but has since cleared that up. 

Big Boss

Big Brother was a show that I quite enjoyed a few years ago. It was interesting to see a group of strangers living in a house together to see how they cope and react with one another and the tasks that they were presented with. Even Celebrity Big Brother was interesting as we got to see our favourite celebrities behaving as themselves, and sometimes getting involved in drama, romance and struggles when it came to the tasks; and we all love to watch a bit of drama. 

However I stopped watching it when Big Brother moved from channel 4 to channel 5 and Davina McCall stopped presenting it as I thought it wouldn’t be as interesting.

A few months ago I started to watch the Indian version of Big Brother called Big Boss. It was the first time I was watching this show despite it being in its 7th season, and I absolutely fell in love with it. The show was no less than a Bollywood movie, which I love to watch, as it had plenty of love, drama, action, friendships and cat-fights. The contestants were all Indian celebrities so I guess it was more like Celebrity big brother rather than the original one. I didn’t know any of the celebrities so it took me a bit of time to get into the show and to start enjoying it, but once I did I really liked it.

Big boss lasted 3 months and when it ended yesterday, I was left thinking oh no what do I watch now? 

The contestants in Big Boss season 7 were:

Andy- VJ and Reality television host

Ratan Rajpoot- Tv actress and star

Gauhar Khan- acrtress and model

Shilpa Sakhlani and Apoorva Agnihotri – Married couple who are both TV actors

Kamya Panjabi- TV actress

Hazel Keech- British actress and model who works in India

Kushal Tandon- Model turned TV actor

Rajat Rawail- Producer and actor

Sangram Singh- Wrestler

Ellie evram- Sweedish Greek actress

Armaan Kohli- Actor

Pratyusha Banerjee- Actress

Anita Advani- Actress

There were also some wild card entries who entered in the 7th week; they were:

Asif Azim- model

Vivek Mishra- Gymnast, Yoga trainer, model

Ajaz Khan- Actor

Candy Brar- Former Model

 Sofia Hayat- British actress and singer

As you can see there were a variety of different kinds of people in the house and lots of fights took place between Armaan and Kushal, Gauhar and Tanisha, Armaan and everyone, Andy and Kamya, Pratyusha, Gauhar and Armaan, Ajaz and Kushal and the list goes on. 

There was also romance between Kushal and Gauhar, who openly expressed their love for one another in the last weeks. Armaan and Tanisha also grew extremely close and, as evident as it was that they loved each other, they have continued to deny this love to the public since leaving the Big Boss house. 

Great friendships were also formed between Andy and Sangram, Andy and Tanisha, Kamya and Pratyusha and Gauhar Kamya and Pratyusha.

The grand final of Big Boss took place last night after 3 long months and 105 days in the Big Boss house. Sangram, Tanisha, Gauhar and surprisingly the wild card entry Ajaz, made it to the final.

In fourth place came Sangram followed by Ajaz and then the final showdown was left between Tanisha and Gauhar. Ironically so as both women did not see eye to eye throughout their Big Boss experience and neither did their men Armaan and Kushal. I really wanted Gauhar to win as, after watching both ladies for 3 months, I grew to like Gauhar a lot and Tanisha not so much. I also really liked Sangram as he was such a nice, humble guy so it was a shame to see him leave.

Finally when the time came to announce the winner, host Salman Khan held both Tanisha and Gauhar’s hands and joked as to who the winner would be. My heart was beating a little fast when the winner was to be announced, and after fooling around, Salman finally revealed that it was Gauhar 😀 I was over the moon as I really wanted her to win. Gauhar was in complete shock staring at her mother, sister and Salman to confirm whether it was really true or not. As she went over to hug her mother it began to sink in for her that she had won Big Boss 7 beating her rival Tanisha Mukherjee. It truly was a great scene to watch and a great show. I am now looking forward to watching Big Boss 8 next year. 

After watching Big Boss I now feel that I might start to watch Big Brother and Celebrity Big Brother again. There are rumors that Celebrity Big Brother will be starting soon that’s something to keep me occupied 🙂

Kian Egan becomes King of the jungle – I’m a Celebrity.. Get Me Out Of Here!

After three weeks of bush-tucker trials, dingo dollar challenges, many creepy crawlies, rats and in Joey’s words dragons, Kian Egan was finally crowned king of the jungle in this years I’m a Celebrity… Get me Out Of Here!

The final two;  Westlife member Kian Egan and royal fashion designer David Emanuel were both worthy finalists. David became the father of the jungle with his calm, caring and soothing manner whilst Kian was a true hero battling out every one of the trials he faced, as well as becoming the camp chef. Both were such likable men that it didn’t really matter who won as they were both amazing. 

My favourite from all the 12 camp mates was always Joey Essex, as ditsy as he was, he showed his true self on I’m a Celebrity, and allowed the public to see how nice and down to earth he is. Just like everyone else, I really believed Joey would win I’m a celebrity and I was really gutted when him and Amy Willerton, the Miss world beauty, were booted out of the jungle in 4th and 5th place.  

Amy caused a lot of drama in camp this year, with the contraband controversy, when she didn’t give up her makeup items even after being warned of losing food for the camp. This caused much upset and anger amongst the camp mates. Emmerdale actress Lucy Pargeter was less than impressed by Amy’s concealing of her concealer and many other makeup items in her beloved bag Betsy (named by the camp). “We’re there as a team and if one person lets that down that’s the one thing that’s going to pee me off” She told Ant and Dec when she left camp in 3rd place. Many of the others shared the same viewpoint as Lucy and the contraband gate continued in the I’m a Celebrity… coming out party.


Mario and Lucy’s Love drama – Towie

I was never much of a Towie fan until I watched Mario on Celebrity Big brother this year; I love everything about him, looks and personality,  and I wanted to watch more of him so I started to watch The Only Way is Essex. 

I instantly became intrigued by the on again off again relationship between Mario and Lucy. The season Finale was so exciting when Mario and Lucy, after telling everyone throughout the series that they would never get back together, finally expressed their love for one another and touched upon the idea of getting back together.

Lucy: “You know there’s some weird connection with us.”

Mario: “Yeah it’s called love.”

The finale was left as a cliffhanger as we were not sure whether Lucy and Mario would get back together, and perhaps the Towie Xmas special would finally unite the couple 🙂  

However a few weeks later I witnessed this argument on twitter which really frustrated me. 



The idea that Lucy and Mario would get back together and live happily ever after was completely squashed by this twitter argument between the two. 

Lucy accused Mario of going on dates with other girls then texting her asking to come over and Mario retaliated by saying Lucy asked him to stay over and when he said no she got Tom (her short, sweet fling after ending things with Mario) to come over. 

After this encounter it will be interesting to see how the Towie special plays out on 11th December, and what will come of Mario and Lucy’s relationship. 

All i can think is why oh why wont they just stop playing games and get back together!!

Old is Gold – The Hills

The Hills is probably till date my favourite reality TV show. I loved watching all the drama unfold between LC and Heidi, the romance between Brody Jenner and LC or the fake romance between Kristin Cavallari and Brody (slightly annoying) or the weird relationship Justin Bobby and Audrina shared. I think it was such a cool show to watch with all the makeups, breakups, friendships, romance and the extravagant lunch and dinner dates they went on before heading out to Les Deux or some other night club.

When Lauren Conrad left the hills two series before it all came to an end, it kind of saddened me as she was my favourite cast member. Kristin brought lots of drama after LC left but it wasn’t quite the same. Nerveless I continued to watch it even after my friends and cousins stopped; saying that it became boring after Lauren left.

When I started watching the Hills I became slightly obsessed with LA and the glam lifestyle that the Hills showed and still plan on seeing LA one day.

It was a sad moment when the Hills came to an end; that final camera panned up to display an entire set showing that the whole programme was staged and scripted  and Kristin, who was in a limo about to drive away from Brody, gets out and runs back to him; it all became apparent that it was finally over. No more drama, tantrums and posh lunches. Oh well as the name of the final episode depicted – all good things must come to an end.

The one thing that keeps the Hills alive is that Brody Jenner is now appearing on Keeping up with the Kardashians, as he is the Kardashian sisters half brother. Its great to be able to watch him on there (another one of my favourite shows) and he keeps a small flame of the hills alive in my heart 🙂