Tash on tours goes international, Made in Chelsea hits New York and the Americans take over the big brother house!

With the madness and fast pace of life I haven’t had the opportunity to blog about some of my favourite shows that I’ve been watching recently, so I thought I’d take the time out and write a quick post of some of the latest reality shows that have me hooked.

The Geordies were back in town to go wild, party and show everyone how it’s done in the Toon. Garry brought along his best pal Aaron and soon into the show Marnie’s best friend Kyle also joined the crew. From the original gang the remaining ones are now Garry, James, Vicky, Charlotte, Holly and Scott.

Aaron and Kyle managed to settle in quite well with the others once the relationship dynamics had been established. The girls tried to keep Kyle to themselves but the boys fast took him under their wing and showed him how to pull a few birds. He has taken a liking to Holly and is showing more of an interest in her than the club girls, but I very much doubt that a relationship will form at the end of show.

This time round Anna, the boss, realised these lot are not good at anything apart from Tashing on so she made this their main job. To go out, entertain groups and get everyone to ‘neck’ on with one another. The ‘Tash on Tours’ theme was taken to Iceland where friction in the group did occur, but it was all forgotten once they got tashing on with everyone.


The MIC gang have flown out to New York for the summer and we’ve seen quite a few new faces on the show, including Bille, who has both Spencer and Stevie fighting to win her over, Alik who has shown a keen interest in Louise, and Jules who has outdone Spencer in the dating game.  

Jules claims he is in a polyamorous relationship, which basically means he can have a girlfriend and sleep around with other girls too, with the approval of his girlfriend. Up until recently Jules and Rosie were getting to know each other, until she found out about his lifestyle choice and kicked him to the kerb.

Apart from the newbie’s some of the Chelsea drama did follow the crew to New York as Binky turned up without Alex. He then followed her to New York but she told him she wanted nothing to do with him. When the news came out that he had hooked up with Jamie’s ex Tara nobody had anything nice to say to or about him, so he grabbed his passport and quickly flew back to England.

MIC NY is not shaping out to be what I had quite expected it to be. They have lived up to the glamorous lifestyle however the drama just doesn’t seem to be as interesting as it was back in Knightsbridge, but perhaps it will get better.

Big Brother 2014 was a fiery season with more fights and arguments than we have ever witnessed before. The theme was all about Big Brothers power trip, in which each week a housemate or housemates were given the power to make powerful decisions in the house. The power did get to many people’s minds but the most shocking thing to have happened was Helen Wood winning this year, despite being the most hated, argumentative and controversial housemate.

Some other housemates who stood out were Mark Byron; the sassiest and funniest one in the group, Ashleigh Coyle; the innocent bee who turned into the Ice queen half way through the season, and the only one to properly stand up to Helen, Chris Wright; the most sarcastic yet smartest and fair housemate and not to forget Winston and Ash who brought eye candy yet a great bromance to the house.


I didn’t think Celebrity Big Brother could top this year’s original Big Brother yet it is managing to do a pretty good job. Big Brother has managed to find the most wackiest and outrageous housemates for CBB2014, such as playgirl Frency who is from France yet lives in LA, Kellie Maloney; who happened to be former boxing promoter Frank Maloney before taking on a sex change, strictly come dancing’s James Jordan, Geroge Gillbey from Channel 4’s Google Box, former TOWIE and Geordie Shore stars Lauren Goodger and Ricci Guarnaccio, former The Hills star Stephanie Pratt and White Dee from the documentary Benefits Street. 

Audley nominatedDavid evicted

Edele nominatedFrenchy evicted
Gary nominatedGeorge
James nominatedKellie nominatede
Leslie evictedLauren
RicciStephanie nominated

We are already seeing small romances blossom between Lauren and Ricci and Stephanie and George as well as major arguments between many other housemates, so it definitely oozes great entertainment. Frency was also booted out of the house yesterday much to my happiness as I could not stand her crazy, unpredictable behaviour.

So much more is and has happened with these shows but I guess I just can’t squeeze it all in so that’s my brief recap of my reality TV fix.

Goodbyes and bad endings 

The Made in Chelsea final this week wasn’t as explosive as the previous seasons but it wrapped up nicely and showed snippets of the coming MIC in NY which will be EPIC 😀 

The Alex and binky saga, which now drives me mad, continued to go on till the end, but this time round they were both made to look like idiots as everyone around them kept telling them they were clearly not meant to be together due to their bickering, yet they continued to stay together and were left completely friendless at the end. They gave a little speech to the group telling them all to stop giving their input on their relationship, but to be honest I think that just made them look even more foolish. They both look so sad and depressed in the relationship and the fact that Binky’s own mother is telling her Alex isn’t good for her should make alarm bells ring in her mind. Anyway we’ll just see if the relationship baggage continues to NY or is left in the UK. 

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Jamie decided that he needed to keep away from Lucy and not be friends with her in order to get rid of his feelings for her; not a good idea in Lucy’s mind. Lucy, who will occasionally shed a tear showing she is not a robot, told Jamie that she wanted to remain friends with him but he said he couldn’t do that. However later when everybody took to Andy’s getaway mansion Lucy and Jamie shared a night together but apparently nothing had happened LOL. I wish Lucy would just put down her barriers and own up to her feelings for Jamie. 

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Stevie and Steph said their final goodbyes as Steph left for LA. It became the first ever civil, nice breakup in MIC, not sure whether I found it as emosh as they wished to portray it on TV though haha. 

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Louise and Fordy had their cook off in which sparks flew, despite Sam interrupting the date, and they later shared a kiss at the getaway.

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The single boys all raved about their excitement at travelling to NY, especially Jamie and Spencer, so it’ll be great entertainment to watch that over the summer. 

MIC finale - as it happened

For now MIC has come to an end but MIC-NY should be amaze balls and I can’t wait for that to begin in the summer. Bring on more posh nosh food, arguments, dramas, hook ups and love triangles!!

Wild and crazy times: Jamie, Stevie and the other MIC singletons frolic in the water during Andy's 'pardy' at Langley House in Wiltshire

Lockdown, lies and old Hollywood glam 

Last night’s episode showed Alex being put on serious lock-down by Binky to improve his behaviour and prove that he is doing what it takes to win her over. The strict rules and regulations placed on Alex didn’t bode so well with the rest of the group, but Alex seems to be taking the whole ‘not being able to consume alcohol unless in the presence of Binky’ quite well. Lucy, Fran and the boys thought this rule was extremely pathetic and a daft punishment if they’re trying to get back together, and I have to agree with them, her mother like rules could push him away instead of bringing them closer; we’ll just have to see if the relationship works out in the near future.

Alex searches in vain for a book about curing the condition of Mind Blanks or, failing that, one that has pictures of hair styles better than his own 'perpendicular' debacle

After his SIX incidents of infidelity, Binky had taken Alex in hand and had him firmly under her thumb. Judging by her expression, this was not as pleasurable as male readers in particular would have thought

Jamie was faced with the consequence of his web of lies when he told Lucy that he still had feelings for her but then told Riley he was into her and thought Lucy was a “Bitch”. The ever so nice but big-mouthed Stevie brought Jamie’s differing stories to light and made sure that Riley and Lucy were aware of what was going on in Jamie’s mind.

Stevie (right) recounts to Jamie (vest) how Stephanie had sweetly told him 'we'll always be friends', although, knowing her, he may not have heard the end of the sentence '...if you buy me a Prada handbag'

When she was not selflessly frolicking around in a swimsuit, Riley was now trying to hide her inability to make any facial expressions by wearing huge sunglasses and wearing one of Binky's Game Of Thrones coats

At the old Hollywood themed party, whilst Lucy and Jamie were getting comfortable together, Riley walked in and made it clear that she will not be walked all over by Jamie. She made it known to Lucy that Jamie had been bitching about her behind her back and also told them both that they still had a weird connection going on which she didn’t want to be a part of. Now that there aren’t any distractions between them I really do hope Lucy and Jamie stop wasting time and just get together already. 

Unbeknown to Fran, who started to develop feelings for newbie Fordy, some friendly competition was formed between Louise and him. They decided to have a cook off with one another to see who the better cook is; of course this was simply an excuse to go on a date together. Poor Fran was in her own little world thinking she may have a chance with Fordy but he’s already set his eyes on Louise, and this was made clear at the party when he told Fran she was being a “Third wheel”; awkwardddd. Smug Louise and Fordy then walked off together to make Martinis. 

'You can stand und-air my um-ber-ell-air/ell-air/ell-air/ell-air...' Edo and Fordy struggle to see the tiny figure beneath the umbrella singing a Rihanna song in an unconvincingly posh accent

Fran goes cross-eyed with giddiness at the suggestion that the only man she can cop off with on Made In Chelsea is Fordy and that she would even lose out on him - to Louise

As part of her efforts to ensnare Fordy, Louise was more orange than ever and turned her shiny forehead on to full beam in order to dazzle him with her 'complicated' personality
Next week we’ll see how things patch up between Riley and Lucy but will the friendship continue after Lucy and Jamie share a night together? Let’s wait and see, it should be a good one 😀 

Noooo Jamie noooo – MIC

As much as I love Jamie his antics in lasts nights Made in Chelsea really irritated me; Lucy and Jamie make such a great couple so I think it was completely out-of-order for him to ask out her intern Riley. Why can’t the two of them just get back together already?! And then kissing Riley in front of Lucy was just completely unfair. Things however are looking up as it seems next week Laing will reveal that his feelings for Lucy just won’t go; yayyy the silver lining reappears. 

Jamie and Riley continue to flirt up a storm [E4]

In the last few episodes I’ve really grown to like Lucy and her attitude, independence and ability to stand up for what she believes is right. I’ve been getting so bored of Binky’s story with Alex and her pathetic nature of going back to him after he cheats on her a gazillion times, but what has made the entire situation even more stupid is the way she has started to mend her relationship with Alex but break things off with her friends. We saw this week how Lucy, Cheska, Fran and even Louise were getting fed up of Binky’s reluctance to keep away from Alex. As much as these girls have supported her it seems that Binky only sees what she wants to and couldn’t care less about the love and support she’s gained from her friends. Binky really was one of my favourite MIC cast members but this relationship drama has brought her down in my ratings. 

Lucy Watson and Binky Felstead come to blows [E4]



In other MIC scenarios Steph and Stevie’s relationship seems to be going well; I still don’t know whether this relationship is real or not but I guess only time will tell. 

the steves

I can’t wait for next week’s episode in which Lucy and Jamie will hopefully reunite, fingers crossed 

The cast is currently in NYC filming for MIC-New York and this picture did make me a little giddy:

Love them as a couple #thatisall 

Naughty Stevie’s ‘Got Game’ 

Just when I thought the MIC boys couldn’t get any worse the innocent little Stevie joins the bad boys club. Stevie, the nicest guy in Chelsea, and my second favourite after Jamie, did a 360 this episode by turning from the only decent guy in MIC to thinking he’s now ‘got game’. Having been on a few dates with Riley it seemed that all was going well for the couple, that was until Stephanie managed to lure him on a date. On the pretence of wanting a London tour guide Stephanie got Stevie to take her out for the day, in which they flirted like crazy and also shared a cheeky little kiss. When Sam heard about this he wasted no time in relaying the news to Riley and hers and Stevie’s little fling quickly came to an end. I have to say Stevie and Steph make a very odd couple so we’ll see how long this charade lasts.

Stevie Johnson talks to Riley Uggla after kissing Stephanie Pratt - 26 May 2014

Stevie Johnson talks to Riley Uggla after kissing Stephanie Pratt - 26 May 2014

In other MIC news irritating Alex shed more crocodile tears to try and get Binky back; I don’t even understand why he’s being given any air time as he’s such a prick and somehow believes he can make up for cheating on Binks five times. Get real Alex. I really hope Binky doesn’t take him back. 

Falling apart: The couple were seriously dramatic as they wept and wailed on the waterside

Spencer continued to be the ass**** he is by stepping on everyone’s toes and showing no remorse for it. He already angered Binky by being a crappy friend to her and allowing Alex to have an orgy with him, but he also proved to a shitty friend to Sam by stealing the girl he was seeing. In this episode he continued to go on dates with Sam’s crush Christina and showed no regret for his behaviour at all. Such a tool! Nobody from the Chelsea gang seems to have any loyalties towards each other apart from Louise and Sam; and that’s only because they’re siblings.

Spencer Matthews, Jamie Laing

Louise Thompson confronts Spencer Matthews [E4]

Jamie the absolute cutey continued to be a breath of fresh air with his cheesy humour and flirty banter. He managed to convince Riley to go on a date with him after her and Stevie came to an end and I don’t think Lucy will be too happy about this next week. No mater what Jamie does you’ve got to love him simply because of his crazy, outrageous personality. My ultimate fave Heavy black heart


A match made in Heaven - or Chelsea? Jamie and Riley get close on the latest episode



More next week, ciao for now Victory hand

Slap, crackle and pop – MIC

Alex finally got what he deserved last night when Binky slapped him at Stevie’s surprise birthday party for hiding yet another truth from her. Jamie revealed to Lucy that Spencer and Alex went on a night out, when Alex and Binky were on a break, and both hooked up with multiple girls. Lucy, being the bearer of bad news always, went to the others girls with this news to seek their advice. Louise, Rosie and Lucy came together for the betterment of their friend and decided she ought to know the truth. When confronted by Lucy and Louise Alex had no other option but to fess up, which brought yet more shame, anger and disappointment to Binky, resulting in her finally giving him a lovely slap. I really hope these two don’t get back together as she will then look like the stupidest girl around. 

Nothing but the truth: Lucy Watson managed to pry the information out of Jamie Lang and enlisted the help of Louise Thompson before confronting Alex and Spencer in front of Binky

After watching last night’s episode I can wholeheartedly say Spencer is the most shittest, selfish, pathetic friend ever. He showed that his loyalties lie with nobody and he only cares about himself and his own desires. After going on an awkward double date with Sam, Sam’s current lady love and her friend, it came out that Spencer had previously hooked up with Sam’s girl Christina. Fair enough Spencer has hooked up with the whole of Chelsea so why would she have been an exception? But when Sam probed him on whether he would go there with her again he said he wouldn’t, yet at Stevie’s party Christina’s friend made it known to Sam that the night of the date the two of them did hook up. Sam threw his drink in Spencer’s face and showed him what a crappy friend he is, Spencer once again showed no remorse for his action.. Complete and utter twat.

Not only was Spencer a shit friend to Stevie he was also an awful friend to Binky as he knew what Binky and Alex were going through but still took him on a night out and most likely encouraged him to hook up with the girls. Therefore the worst friend award would definitely go to Spencer. 

Defensive: At first Alex repeatedly faked innocence as Louise and Lucy tried to get him to make the admission before he evetually said, 'Yeah I might have hooked up with somebody'

Next week it looks like Stevie’s going to bring out the bad boy in him by having a little fling with Stephanie, despite dating Riley, we’ll see how that pans out. 

Rare happy moment: Stevie was able to enjoy the first half of his surprise party before the drama unfolded

The claws come out – MIC

The claws were definitely out in last nights episode, and for people like Louise and Lucy there was no apparent reason. The cheating fiasco continued with Alex and Binky, and the battle to get Riley concluded when Stevie and Riley kissed at a random guys party. 

Louise and Lucy appeared to be good friends up until this weeks episode when Louise started bitching about Lucy, and Lucy is clearly not the type of person to sit back and say nothing. When Louise, Binky and Stephanie went for drinks  and discussed Binky’s reuniting with Alex, or should I say the night when they ‘held hands’, Louise seemed to be encouraging Binky to get back with Alex as she loved him so much. Stephanie of course was not for this idea and said she would never get back with somebody if they cheated on her. The discussion quickly turned to Lucy, and Louise began to call Lucy ‘arrogant’ and very ‘judgemental’. Stephanie relayed Louise’s feelings to Lucy at a netball match that the girls all participated in and Lucy had it out with Louise at a party. Rosie jumped in to defend Louise but Lucy told her to say out of it. She then told Louise to stop encouraging Binky to stay with Alex and Louise believed she was being a better friend by supporting her instead of showing her touch love. Personally I think the tough love Lucy shows is way better than the puppy dog behaviour Binky is showing, and Louise has showed in the past. 

Stephanie Pratt and Lucy Watson listen to Binky Felstead's confession [E4]

Lucy Watson wants to help Binky Felstead [E4]

Things seemed to bet getting better for Alex and Binky as they tried to work on their relationship after sharing a night together. Mummy Felstead was not for the patch up but evidently Binky did not want to hear other people’s opinions. All was going well until Lucy decided Binky ought to hear about the many more rumours that were spiralling, the already disappointed Binky just head her held in shame and anger. She confronted Alex about the continuing rumours and he admitted that they were all true; things are just not looking up for these two. In next week’s episode she will be giving him a nice juicy slap. Cant wait to see that. 

Alex Mytton admits to having cheated on Binky FOUR times [E4]

The Riley-Stevie-Sam drama came to a conclusion when Riley and Stevie shared a kiss in front of Sam. Poor Sam looked devastated and it seems he’ll be having a lot more girl issues in next week’s episode. 

That’s all for now lets see what next week brings 😀

The awkward Venice party – MIC

The weirdest, most distorted, group ever went off to Venice this week. The group included: Lucy, Stephanie Pratt, her friend Erik, Louise, Jamie, Spencer and his on/off girl Emma. It was completely strange as the trip became all about Spencer despite it being arranged by Stephanie and Erik, this is because Spencer was with three of his ex girlfriends and his current lady love, which caused everybody to talk about him and only him. 

Selfie time: Stephanie was heard asking Lucy Watson what she was thinking by inviting their ex, Spencer along on the trip earlier on

Hurt: Emma's anger at her possible love interest Spencer getting close with his ex leads her to having a chat with the pair, before heading home abruptly

Apologies: In a heart-to-heart after dinner, Spencer tells her that what he did was 'totally unacceptable, before adding: 'I am really sorry. I feel bad'
Stephanie also had unfinished business with Spencer which quickly became settled when he bought her a Prada bag and they then hooked up. It was clear all along, since Stephanie arrived last week, that her feelings for Spencer were still very much intact despite telling everyone she hated the guy. They had arguments on the trip but once she received the Prada it didn’t take her long to reach his bed. 

Stephanie made in chelsea

Stephanie tried to clarify her actions on twitter following the episode:

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And Lucy backed up her friend via twitter: 

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Back in Chelsea Sam’s ex girlfriend Riley asked Stevie on a date and during their tea date they bumped into Sam, which made it a very awkward encounter. Sam realised that he still wanted Riley back even though he tried to put on a front that he didn’t care if she went on a date with Stevie.

New couple alert! Riley Uggla meanwhile organised a coffee date with Stevie Johnson after finding out her ex Sam Thompson had boasted that he could get her back if he wanted

It is strange that Stevie is pursuing his good friends ex, but I guess that’s Chelsea for you. Stevie also took to twitter after the episode to defend himself in regards to going on a date with Riley:

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Louise had this to say after the episode:

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And Louise and Stevie’s twitter arguments continued today:

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Alex continued to feel confused about his feeling for Binky, and we watched her cry her eyes out to her mother in this episode; Alex is clearly not in the good books of mummy Felstead anymore. Binky and Alex arranged to meet up at the end of this episode and we’ll probably watch this meeting next week, I’m pretty sure they’ll be back together very soon.

Binky made in chelsea

Heartache and Come Backs – MIC

Last night we watched Binky and Alex struggle post the revealing of Alex’ cheating. Binky flew off to New York for a few days with her mother to take a time out and Alex stayed put in Chelsea, being forced to hear the opinions of others. Jamie found it necessary to tell Alex that the best thing for him to do is to not be with Binky and this absurd idea stuck in Alex’ mind. 

When Binky returned and Alex went to meet her they had an emotional conversation in which Alex relayed to Binky that he didn’t feel that they should be together. In his words he simply wants Binky ‘to be happy’. Binky of course felt like an idiot as at first she got cheated on and now she was being dumped. (Spoiler alert for anyone who’s not on twitter) Let’s just hope we watch Alex do some grovelling over the next few episodes as according to twitter it seems that they are currently back together. 

Not trying very hard! Cheating Alex failed to convince Binky he actually wanted to be with her

Heartbreak: Alexandra 'Binky' Felstead sobs during her heart-to-heart with cheating boyfriend Alex Mytton on Made In Chelsea
Louise’s brother Sam seems to becoming more of a character on the show instead of just a spare part as he is now going to be involved in a little Chelsea drama. With his ex Riley on the show it seems that a little competition will begin as Stevie wants to take her on a date and Sam will be adamant on trying to win Riley back; something which we will be seeing in the next episode. 

Dapper: Sam Thompson told Rosie Fortescue he wanted to win back ex-girlfriend Riley

Making his move: Stevie Johnson asks Riley for a dance, despite Sam telling him he wanted his ex back

We also saw the return of the Pratt last night, Stephanie Pratt I am referring to. The LA beauty came back to the show and stirred up a little trouble when she told Spencer what an ‘asshole’ he is at Rosie’s party. The entire showdown was extremely awkward to watch and the only comment we did hear was from Rosie commenting on Stephanie’s dress ‘I must say her dress was pretty rank’. Stephanie responded to Rosie’s comment on twitter:

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'Hey a**hole!' Stephanie Pratt makes quite the entrance to Rosie's ball to confront Spencer

Not convinced: Stephanie didn't appear to believe Spencer's apology

Jamie being the cutie he is invited himself on Lucy, Stephanie and her friend Eric’s Venice trip which we will witness next week. Spencer also got invited and it seems there will be more drama overseas. 

A holiday with my exes, that sounds fun! Spencer agrees to go to Venice

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Aaaaaand it’s true.. Alex cheated on Binky – MIC

After all the rumours, lies and investigations the truth finally came out about Alex cheating on Binky in last nights MIC… And unfortunately it was true.

After Cheska received the strange text in last weeks episode, last night we watched her struggle with the decision of whether she should tell Binky of the information or not. After a few conversations with Stevie and her mother she came to the decision of letting Binky know the truth, and she did this at Lucy’s birthday party. There’s always drama at a MIC party.

Bearer of bad news: Cheska took Binky to one side and explained that Alex couldn't be trusted

As soon as Cheska approached Binky she already knew something  was up as Binky questioned Cheska curiously saying “what”, Cheska finally revealed that the rumours were true and a friend close to Alex had told her Alex had cheated on Binky.

Alex then approached the girls and very lamely used the excuse to Binky that he goes through nights where he can’t remember what happened due to being too drunk. By this time Binky was already hysterical and didn’t even want Alex to touch her, claiming she was so stupid for even believing his lies. Now that the truth has finally come out we’ll see whether what’s left of this relationship will survive or not. 

Emotional: Alex is tearful as her draws Binky in for a hug as he is unable to deny the allegationsHeartbroken: Made in Chelsea's Binky bursts into tears after she hears of boyfriend Alex's infidelity

It was also nice to see Spencer get a taste of his own medicine last night as he got turned down by his most recent crush Emma. After turning up late to Louise’s singles dinner last week and allowing Emma to go by herself, Spencer decided to try to make things up with Emma by taking her on fancy date. On the date he asked her to be his girlfriend to which she responded she liked the way things were going, the flirting and all, and she didn’t think he was mature enough to be in a relationship. Despite Spencer trying to convince her she was the one and he was waiting for the one to settle down with Emma simply responded ‘no’. Ha in your face Matthews 😀 

Charmer: Spencer did his best to try and impress Emma with a dinner date

Playing hard to get: Emma told Spencer that she wasn't going to be won over easily
Next week we’ll see the return of Stephanie Pratt as she’s now BFF’s with Lucy Watson. Wooo love me some American accent and a member of The Hills. And of course there’ll be lots more drama with her return, which we just love.

Firm friends: Former frenemies Stephanie Pratt (left) and Lucy Watson (right) leave Cecconi's restaurant in London on Wednesday