Marnie and her men – Geordie Shore

Things get fired up in the Geordie shore house when Marnie becomes the new trophy amongst the boys.

First it was Scott, in the previous season, that Marnie was loved up with. Their relationship ended as just friends when the season ended. And we then saw Gaz and Marnie cosying up when this season began.

After many hook ups and tash on’s Gaz and Marnie agreed to just remain friends and of course Gaz wanted to explore other women. But it seems newbie Aaron is the next join Marnie’s string of men. Despite Aaron’s persistence that he will not do anything with Marnie just yet, due to the boy code, even though he has feelings for her, Marnie continued to try and lure Aaron into her arms.

When the truth came out about Gaz breaking his own boy code by hooking up with Marnie just days after her and Scott called it quits, the house was fuming. The ‘I hate Gaz’ club began and a huge brawl between Scott and Gaz led to Gaz leaving the house with an injured hand. Aaron then got into bed with Marnie as he realised the boy code meant nothing.