Tash on tours goes international, Made in Chelsea hits New York and the Americans take over the big brother house!

With the madness and fast pace of life I haven’t had the opportunity to blog about some of my favourite shows that I’ve been watching recently, so I thought I’d take the time out and write a quick post of some of the latest reality shows that have me hooked.

The Geordies were back in town to go wild, party and show everyone how it’s done in the Toon. Garry brought along his best pal Aaron and soon into the show Marnie’s best friend Kyle also joined the crew. From the original gang the remaining ones are now Garry, James, Vicky, Charlotte, Holly and Scott.

Aaron and Kyle managed to settle in quite well with the others once the relationship dynamics had been established. The girls tried to keep Kyle to themselves but the boys fast took him under their wing and showed him how to pull a few birds. He has taken a liking to Holly and is showing more of an interest in her than the club girls, but I very much doubt that a relationship will form at the end of show.

This time round Anna, the boss, realised these lot are not good at anything apart from Tashing on so she made this their main job. To go out, entertain groups and get everyone to ‘neck’ on with one another. The ‘Tash on Tours’ theme was taken to Iceland where friction in the group did occur, but it was all forgotten once they got tashing on with everyone.


The MIC gang have flown out to New York for the summer and we’ve seen quite a few new faces on the show, including Bille, who has both Spencer and Stevie fighting to win her over, Alik who has shown a keen interest in Louise, and Jules who has outdone Spencer in the dating game.  

Jules claims he is in a polyamorous relationship, which basically means he can have a girlfriend and sleep around with other girls too, with the approval of his girlfriend. Up until recently Jules and Rosie were getting to know each other, until she found out about his lifestyle choice and kicked him to the kerb.

Apart from the newbie’s some of the Chelsea drama did follow the crew to New York as Binky turned up without Alex. He then followed her to New York but she told him she wanted nothing to do with him. When the news came out that he had hooked up with Jamie’s ex Tara nobody had anything nice to say to or about him, so he grabbed his passport and quickly flew back to England.

MIC NY is not shaping out to be what I had quite expected it to be. They have lived up to the glamorous lifestyle however the drama just doesn’t seem to be as interesting as it was back in Knightsbridge, but perhaps it will get better.

Big Brother 2014 was a fiery season with more fights and arguments than we have ever witnessed before. The theme was all about Big Brothers power trip, in which each week a housemate or housemates were given the power to make powerful decisions in the house. The power did get to many people’s minds but the most shocking thing to have happened was Helen Wood winning this year, despite being the most hated, argumentative and controversial housemate.

Some other housemates who stood out were Mark Byron; the sassiest and funniest one in the group, Ashleigh Coyle; the innocent bee who turned into the Ice queen half way through the season, and the only one to properly stand up to Helen, Chris Wright; the most sarcastic yet smartest and fair housemate and not to forget Winston and Ash who brought eye candy yet a great bromance to the house.


I didn’t think Celebrity Big Brother could top this year’s original Big Brother yet it is managing to do a pretty good job. Big Brother has managed to find the most wackiest and outrageous housemates for CBB2014, such as playgirl Frency who is from France yet lives in LA, Kellie Maloney; who happened to be former boxing promoter Frank Maloney before taking on a sex change, strictly come dancing’s James Jordan, Geroge Gillbey from Channel 4’s Google Box, former TOWIE and Geordie Shore stars Lauren Goodger and Ricci Guarnaccio, former The Hills star Stephanie Pratt and White Dee from the documentary Benefits Street. 

Audley nominatedDavid evicted

Edele nominatedFrenchy evicted
Gary nominatedGeorge
James nominatedKellie nominatede
Leslie evictedLauren
RicciStephanie nominated

We are already seeing small romances blossom between Lauren and Ricci and Stephanie and George as well as major arguments between many other housemates, so it definitely oozes great entertainment. Frency was also booted out of the house yesterday much to my happiness as I could not stand her crazy, unpredictable behaviour.

So much more is and has happened with these shows but I guess I just can’t squeeze it all in so that’s my brief recap of my reality TV fix.

Jim Davidson is crowned the winner of CBB 2014

Last night was the final of Celebrity Big Brother 2014 and Jim Davidson was crowned the winner; I wasn’t too excited about that although it was slightly expected, as throughout the entire series Jim managed to survive every eviction with the highest votes, despite being up for eviction every week. 

Casey Bachelor came sixth place. She spoke about the love triangle to Emma Willis and revealed that she no longer has feelings for Lee Ryan, awkwardly enough jasmine and Lee were sat together along with all the other evictees. Casey stated that when her mum came into the house, through the grandfather clock, and warned her to stay away from Lee that’s when it ticked in her mind; although she did say that “It’s my weak point – I go back to people that hurt me. I do it in real life.” Despite the love triangle Casey expressed her happiness of being the first ever model to enter the final of big brother and being able to change the perception of glamour models; not too sure as to what extent she’s managed to do that. 

Sam Faiers came in fifth place..GUTTED! I really wanted Sam to be in the top three at-least, although I can understand her lack of presence didn’t allow that to happen. Despite Sam being labelled as a boring housemate I really loved her and everyone was able to see how lovely, nice and down to earth she is. The relationship she shared with Ollie Lock was amazingggg and I really hope that they get together now that they’re out of the house. When Emma questioned Sam on Ollie Sam didn’t give much away but did say she was open to having  date with him “‘Me and Ollie haven’t even had a conversation. He said where he would like to take me on a first date and if he asked me again I’d want to go.” Let’s hope this turns into a ‘Made in Essex’ or a ‘The Only Way is Chelsea’ romance. 

In fourth place came Luisa Zissman. The feisty Apprentice runner-up was one of the most entertaining celebrities to have ever entered the big brother house, and in her words you either love her or hate her. Luisa didn’t hold back in the house; whether it was in an argument, during a task, raunchy playfulness with her fellow celebrities or making her opinion known to everyone. Luisa was truly shocked to have made the final of CBB and delightfully expressed to Emma “Can you believe it?” She was also the last girl standing and was described by Emma as a “fire cracker.” When Luisa entered the house and was so explicit and sexual I really didn’t like her, especially when her and moody Linda would gang up on Jim. But as soon as Linda left we got to see a nicer side to Luisa and it was lovely to be able to see her being so nice, calm and relaxed. In agreement with Jim, I also think that although Luisa states that she doesn’t care what the public think of her, deep down she does have a desire to be liked or even accepted by everyone. 

In third place came Ollie lock. I can’t believe it as I reallyyyyy wanted Ollie to win, he was a fantastic housemate and genuinely so nice and funny. I’ve always loved Ollie on Made in Chelsea, just as much as I loved Sam on TOWIE, and it was a breath of fresh air to be able to watch these two on CBB amongst all the crazy, outrageous housemates. Ollie’s quirky, fun loving and true liking for Sam made him the best housemate in my eyes. The way he was smitten over Sam made it so mushy, yet cute to watch and I have high hopes that they will have a future together. When Ollie had an argument with Luisa I felt so sorry for him as he was standing up for himself for the first time, and I love the morals and values that he holds in not getting involved in other people’s arguments. Ollie spoke about Sam to Emma; “My beautiful Sam. I adore her. I like her more than a friend. I very much want to take her out to dinner and have a South Bank walk in London.” Awwww 🙂

The runner up was Dappy. That tiny little man brought so much fun, craziness and shock to our screens. Some of his antics left us with our jaws hanging and then at times his words towards housemates such as Jim, made us see how caring and kind-hearted he is. Dappy formed a special relationship with winner Jim, and told Emma that he saw him as a father figure; “I haven’t grieved about the loss of my father and when he came into my life, he took that place all of a sudden. He taught me a lot in such a short space of time. I’ll call him dad for the rest of my life. Me and him have this very strong bond.” Dappy said that the reason he went into CBB was to change the perception people have of him and he feels that he has now managed to do that, and is able to separate Costas from Dappy.  

And finally much to Linda’s annoyance I’m sure; Jim Davidson was made the winner. I am happy for Jim, even though I didn’t want him to win, as he said it would mean a lot to him if he won and “It would round up a shit year.” On his relationship with Linda, Jim told Emma “She’s a strong-willed woman, I admire her, we did clash a little bit… Outside we’ll be fine and I can’t wait for her to buy me a pint of Guinness – probably be waiting a long time.”

Celebrity big brother 2014 has been amazing, I stopped watching the show for a long time but this series has got me back into it and I’m sure I’ll be watching Big Brother in the coming summer.

Love Rat Lee exits the house – CBB

Last night, in a shocking secret eviction, Lee Ryan finally got the boot from the Celebrity Big Brother house. The love triangle between Lee, Casey Bachelor and Jasmine Waltz became the talk of the series for the last three weeks and Lee Ryan became a very disliked man amongst the Big Brother public. Luckily for him there was a small crowd during his exit as the eviction was a secret.

Lee thanked Emma and Big Brother for the small crowd but Emma reminded him that nobody knew Lee would be evicted and that it wasn’t done purposely for him. 

All  of the housemates were having a relaxed, lazy Sunday unaware of what was to come. With the use of the ongoing task of the grandfather clock, Emma Willis emerged into the house live to announce the eviction. Everybody had to stay paused as the evictee’s name was read out and they left with Emma through the clock. Lee seemed relieved to be leaving the house, especially after the drama that unfolded the night before when Jasmine re-entered the house. 

In his interview with Emma Willis Lee kept emphasisng that him and Casey were just friends and that even she was fully aware of that, therefore he had not led her on. Emma also called him out on his lie to Jasmine that he had not done anything with Casey since Jasmine had left; which left Lee speechless.

Now that Lee is out the final six housemates are definitely in the running to becoming the winner of Celebrity Big Brother 2014 in Wednesday nights final. 

The final six are:







Liz and Linda become the fourth and fifth evictees – CBB

What an exciting week it has been for Celebrity Big Brother. Wednesday 22nd January found Liz as the fourth evictee from the Celebrity Big Brother house and Friday 24th January saw Linda becoming the fifth evictee. 

After an exciting journey to the north pole and Jim, Liz and Sam becoming nominees, Wednesday night finally saw relief on Liz Jones’ face when she became evictee number four. Coming out to mixed cheers and boo’s Liz cringed whilst watching her best bits with Emma and expressed her happiness at being out of the house. 

Ollie and Sam also had to take part in a task which forced them to reveal their views and feelings on the issues that have taken place in the house. This was followed by face to face nominations, and the task was still fresh on Linda’s mind. She accused Ollie for never standing up for himself and not being man enough. Ollie then addressed the house to take a stand for himself, since becoming one of the housemates to face eviction, but was simply laughed at and taunted by Luisa and Linda. Surprisingly Sam did not stick up for Ollie which was annoying. Linda also began to come across as a miserable old git, due to her continuous arguments with Jim and her nastiness towards Ollie, and it was great to see her evicted on Friday night.

In her conversation with Emma she became very feisty when questioned about Jim’s and her relationship; stating that she didn’t want to speak about Jim any longer. Once Linda left Emma Willis made the housemates believe that they were all in the final. But this was just another one of Big Brothers tricks as one housemate was to leave on Sunday night.

After receiving this news everyone seemed to become a lot more relaxed and even Casey and Lee became really really cosy; sharing a bed together again. A new task didn’t let this last for long though. A grandfather clock was placed in the house on Saturday and every time the clock struck everyone had to pause in whatever position they were in until it chimed again. Each time the clock struck surprises emerged from it, these included; Lee’s boy band Blue, Ollie’s mum, aunt and pet dog, Sam’s mum and most shockingly of all JASMINE!

Oh yes Jasmine came with a lot on her mind and told Lee and Casey exactly how she felt. She let Casey know that she was coming across as very ‘desperate’ pouncing on Lee as soon as Jasmine left. And she also told Lee off for ‘leading Casey on’ and making Jasmine feel like an idiot having to watch the two of them together. Once she left both Lee and Casey were shocked, Casey cried that she had ’embarrassed’ her parents and Lee emphasised that him and Casey were just friends and that he felt really bad for hurting Jasmine as he truly liked her. 

Sunday night brings about a surprise eviction to the house which will leave six housemates in Wednesday nights final.

The battle of the L’s causes Lionel to become the 3rd evictee – Celeb BB

Eviction number three took place on Friday night. All the house mates were up for eviction apart from Linda and Casey as Jasmine had saved them.  

Jim, Sam, Ollie and Dappy all got saved by the public vote and then it was down to the L housemates; Lionel, Liz, Lee and Luisa. Of course everyone expected Lee or Luisa to go as they are the most rowdy housemates and cause the most drama. Sadly it was Lord Lionel, names by his fellow housemates, who got kicked out. Everyone including Emma Willis and Ryan Clark were sad to see Lionel depart, as was I as he was such a sweet, kind man. 

Being the gentleman that he is Lionel came out with a beaming smile and received cheers all around. He also gave the crowd a little treat with a magic trick and his interview with Emma went smoothly.

Lionel told Emma that he held no grudges with Luisa due to his previous argument with her and he loved all of his housemates, especially Ollie, Sam and Lee. He even told Emma that he really liked Jim despite their strange relationship in the house. However he did say that he believed that Casey is playing a game as she is very much aware of the cameras. I guess we need to keep a closer eye on the model and wonder whether her sweet behaviour is a charade? Although I don’t really believe that, she is annoyingly hung up on Lee but apart from that I think she’s quite nice. 

Inside the house Casey and Lee made up on eviction day and Dappy and Luisa got extremely close. Let’s see what this week has to offer from the Celebrity Big Brother house. 

Jasmine becomes the second evictee from the Celeb BB house

Wednesday night brought around the second live eviction for this years Big Brother and this time it was Jasmine Waltz who got the boot. 

Jasmine, Jim, Liz and Luisa were the four up for eviction, and after Jim was the first to be saved by the public vote it was down to Liz, Luisa and Jasmine as to who would go. I myself really could not stand any more of Luisa or Jasmine’s disgusting actions in the house so would’ve been happy if any of them went, although I believed it might be Liz to go as she is soooooo boring. Finally Emma Willis announced  that the second evictee was Jasmine and I was overjoyed. Jasmine seemed quite shocked by this verdict, and her lover Lee was less than happy. 

Celeb Big Brother: Jasmine gets the boot

Having spent two weeks in the house Jasmine stirred up a lot of trouble; rowdy antics with Luisa, anger and fights with Jim and calling him a “Moody Bastard” and not to forget her spitefulness towards Casey after she had nominated her for eviction. Once Casey nominated Jasmine she said she no longer cared about Casey’s feelings towards Lee and would now openly flirt with him; and this she did indeed, too much if you ask me.

In her interview with Emma when asked if she would continue her romance with Lee once he left the house, Jasmine responded “I don’t know, you never know what the future holds.” This clearly showed that she didn’t really like Lee and only retaliated his affections, as he was somebody who gave her a lot of attention. Not forgetting that she also retaliated Dappy’s affections when he came onto her at the beginning. All I can say is that Jasmine thrives on attention, and she will pounce on anyone who gives her some. Her feelings for Lee are hardly real and poor Lee may realise this when he leaves the house. Also I really hope that Casey doesn’t try to get cosy with Lee again just because Jasmine has left, as this will portray her as a very desperate lady.

Another shocker we received on eviction night was that all the housemates are up for eviction for Friday nights show. Jasmine was given the power to save two housemates from eviction and much to everyone’s surprise she chose Casey and Linda. What was all that about!! That’s exactly what everyone else was thinking. Her reasons for saving these two were that ‘I think those two would have fun in there and I want the rest of them out here with me’ a lovely little insult to her nemesis before she left.

The ones up for eviction for Friday nights show are:









Celebrity Big Brother 2014

This years Celebrity Big Brother has been shocking, entertaining, funny and downright crazy. Within 10 days of the series starting we have witnessed romance, friendships, makeups, breakups, a three day relationship, bitching, arguments and so much more. It has been no less than an episode of TOWIE, Made In Chelsea and a bit of Geordie Shore.

12 celebrities entered the Big Brother house on 3rd January 2013 and from the get go this series has been explosive. All the celebrities had to enter the house in pairs, handcuffed; meaning that everything they did they had to do it together. The likes of former heavyweight boxing champion of the world; Evander Holifield and Apprentice contestant Luisa Zismann were not too happy about this, However model Casey Batchelor and former Blue boy band member Lee Ryan were loving spending time together. They got very cosy throughout the three days they spent together and all was going well until the handcuffs came off and Lee went wandering to explore what Jasmine Waltz; well known for her celebrity ex’s, had to offer him.

This years Celebrity Big Brother’s contestants include:

Casey Batchelor, CBB 2014Casey Batchelor – Model, Miss Maxim 2006.

Lee Ryan – Member of former boy band Blue  Lee Ryan, Blue, CBB 2014

Jasmine Waltz, CBB 2014Jasmine Waltz – Appeared in TV films such as Pledge This and Rules of Engagement but is well known for her famous ex’s and relationship history

Dappy – Member of former band NDubz Dappy, CBB 2014

Sam Faiers, CBB, TOWIESamantha Faiers – The Only Way is Essex star

Lionel Blair – dancer, game show host  Lionel Blair, CBB 2014

Linda Nolan, CBB 2014Linda Nolan – Found fame alongside her siblings in seventies girl band The Nolans and has since gone on to star in the West End

 Ollie Lock –  Former Made in Chelsea star Ollie Locke, MIC, CBB 2014

Evander Holyfield, CBB 2014Evander Holifield – Former Heavyweight champion of the world

Jim Davidson – Comedian Jim Davidson, CBB 2014

Liz Jones, CBB 2014Liz Jones – Controversial journalist

Luisa Zissman – Apprentice member Luisa Zissman, Apprentice, CBB 2014

After a series of challenges over five days, many of the couples managed to free themselves from the handcuffs. Three couples remained handcuffed and faced eviction On day 6 in the Big Brother house. These were; Lee and Casey, Luisa and Evander and Liz and Dappy. 

Lee and Casey were evicted from the house, or so the housemates thought. Here’s where Big Brother’s second twist entered the game. Lee and Casey were sent to special living areas called the bolt hole, in which they watched all the house action. The awkward part was Lee and Casey weren’t even speaking to one another as Casey was upset with Lee for kissing Jasmine when he was set free, and both Jasmine and Casey had confronted him on eviction night. 

Whilst in the bolt hole Lee and Casey were able to mess around with the rest of the housemates and managed to put aside their differences, although Casey kept telling Lee off when he watched Jasmine for too long on the screen. Lee also admitted to big brother that he had deep feelings for Jasmine, which he could not explain or understand himself.

Day 8 in the house brought around eviction number number which caused Evander and Luisa to be in the bottom two, as Jasmine, Liz and Jim got saved by the public. It was then up to Lee and Casey to choose who to boot out between the two. The other housemates became aware of Lee and Casey’s presence in the house and the fact that they were still housemates. Lee and Casey chose to evict Evander Hollifield from the house and returned back to the main house much to the happiness of many of their fellow housemates.

Since Lee and Casey reentered the house the last two days in the big brother house have been entertaining to say the least. The love triangle between Lee, Casey and Jasmine continued as they all gossiped about one another but maintained friendly to one another’s face, Jasmine and Lee continued to flirt and get cosy with each other, Luisa and Dappy had a huge row and pointed fingers at one another’s upbringing and parenting skills and Ollie revealed that he had an ‘inappropriate crush’ on Samantha Faiers.

With the housemates only having been in the house for 10 days many fireworks have gone off and now it remains to be seen what will come of the love triangle, will Jasmine continue her romance with Lee once she leaves the house and will Ollie and Sam hit it off?