Dan’s the man – Ex on the beach

Fit Dan from Australia rocked up on ex on the beach last night with the hopes of rekindling his relationship with Vicky. 

Dan appeared on Geordie shore when the gang went to Australia and had a little holiday romance with Vicky, since then they haven’t met so when he came yesterday it was a breath of fresh air to watch somebody get excited with the arrival of their ex. Smitten Vicky ran to the sea to welcome Dan and they quickly picked up where they left off. She did have the dreaded news to tell him about her short fling with Ross but Dan, being cool as a cucumber, took the news pretty well and they exchanged a cheeky little smooch.

Frankie officially left the villa yesterday as she was taken ill and was unable to continue to appear on the show. Marco was very excited by this news instead of worrying about his on/off girlfriend (twat) the other’s also seemed extremely relieved by her exit. 

Ex On The Beach

Talitha and Liam were made to go on a date together by the tablet of terror and, surprisingly, had a great time. Talitha managed to get the stirrer to open up about his feelings and relationship history and they have managed to form a bond together; much to the annoyance of Ashley. When Talitha began speaking to Liam about her relationship with Ashley, Ash did not seem very pleased by it and it looks like he may have reached his boiling point.

All the girls formed an ‘I hate Chloe’ gang this week and, when confronted by Farah about her flirtatiousness with the guys and ignoring of the girls, Chloe realised she has probably made a major mistake and has decided she is now going to be ‘team girls’.

Next week we’ll see more arrivals and more mayhem take place. 

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