Ex on the beach

This trashy yet addictive show started last night and I couldn’t help but watch it to see what it was all about.

A similar show to Geordie Shore, Ex on the beach was full of drinking, partying, hooking up and lots of vomit. As much as I hate to watch these kinds of shows they somehow become my guilty pleasure. Unlike Geordie shore however, Ex on the beach has  a decent concept as it is all about finding a holiday romance with a twist.

Eight hot singletons were sent to a hot holiday destination with the hopes and belief that they were about to find love or at least have a short holiday fling with a hottie. The singletons included:

Vicky Pattinson from Geordie Shore – 

Chloe – 

Marco –

Emily – 

Liam – 

Farah – 

Ashely – 

Jack –


The sexy eight thought that they were there to simply mingle, flirt and go on dates with one another in order to find the ‘one’ or a fling. However all was not as it seemed as little known to the cast, all their ex’s would be showing up to ruin the party and cause chaos; a concept which is quite different and reason why I liked it.

After a day of getting to know each other, partying and vomiting (not a nice thing to watch when you’re eating) one by one the ex’s of the members began to show up. First came Chloe’s ex Ross, whom she seemed very excited to see, running up to him when he emerged from the water and wrapping her legs around him. However Chloe refused to tell the others that she had anything to do with Ross and simply stated that they were just friends. This statement didn’t do her any favours as as soon as Ross began to get close to Vicky Chloe’s mood changed and the water works began. 

The second ex to emerge and shock the group was Marco’s ex Frankie, and she seemed like a complete psycho questioning Marco straight away on whether he had been on any dates, and when he said he had she announced “You’re not going on another one. You think I’m joking? I’m being serious. I’m here – you can’t go on a date with another girl. I’m here” Awkwardddd.

Next week we’ll see more ex’s arrive and the most dreaded of all –  Vicky’s ex Ricci. Things are going to blow up and I know I wont be missing it. 


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