Liz and Linda become the fourth and fifth evictees – CBB

What an exciting week it has been for Celebrity Big Brother. Wednesday 22nd January found Liz as the fourth evictee from the Celebrity Big Brother house and Friday 24th January saw Linda becoming the fifth evictee. 

After an exciting journey to the north pole and Jim, Liz and Sam becoming nominees, Wednesday night finally saw relief on Liz Jones’ face when she became evictee number four. Coming out to mixed cheers and boo’s Liz cringed whilst watching her best bits with Emma and expressed her happiness at being out of the house. 

Ollie and Sam also had to take part in a task which forced them to reveal their views and feelings on the issues that have taken place in the house. This was followed by face to face nominations, and the task was still fresh on Linda’s mind. She accused Ollie for never standing up for himself and not being man enough. Ollie then addressed the house to take a stand for himself, since becoming one of the housemates to face eviction, but was simply laughed at and taunted by Luisa and Linda. Surprisingly Sam did not stick up for Ollie which was annoying. Linda also began to come across as a miserable old git, due to her continuous arguments with Jim and her nastiness towards Ollie, and it was great to see her evicted on Friday night.

In her conversation with Emma she became very feisty when questioned about Jim’s and her relationship; stating that she didn’t want to speak about Jim any longer. Once Linda left Emma Willis made the housemates believe that they were all in the final. But this was just another one of Big Brothers tricks as one housemate was to leave on Sunday night.

After receiving this news everyone seemed to become a lot more relaxed and even Casey and Lee became really really cosy; sharing a bed together again. A new task didn’t let this last for long though. A grandfather clock was placed in the house on Saturday and every time the clock struck everyone had to pause in whatever position they were in until it chimed again. Each time the clock struck surprises emerged from it, these included; Lee’s boy band Blue, Ollie’s mum, aunt and pet dog, Sam’s mum and most shockingly of all JASMINE!

Oh yes Jasmine came with a lot on her mind and told Lee and Casey exactly how she felt. She let Casey know that she was coming across as very ‘desperate’ pouncing on Lee as soon as Jasmine left. And she also told Lee off for ‘leading Casey on’ and making Jasmine feel like an idiot having to watch the two of them together. Once she left both Lee and Casey were shocked, Casey cried that she had ’embarrassed’ her parents and Lee emphasised that him and Casey were just friends and that he felt really bad for hurting Jasmine as he truly liked her. 

Sunday night brings about a surprise eviction to the house which will leave six housemates in Wednesday nights final.

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