The battle of the L’s causes Lionel to become the 3rd evictee – Celeb BB

Eviction number three took place on Friday night. All the house mates were up for eviction apart from Linda and Casey as Jasmine had saved them.  

Jim, Sam, Ollie and Dappy all got saved by the public vote and then it was down to the L housemates; Lionel, Liz, Lee and Luisa. Of course everyone expected Lee or Luisa to go as they are the most rowdy housemates and cause the most drama. Sadly it was Lord Lionel, names by his fellow housemates, who got kicked out. Everyone including Emma Willis and Ryan Clark were sad to see Lionel depart, as was I as he was such a sweet, kind man. 

Being the gentleman that he is Lionel came out with a beaming smile and received cheers all around. He also gave the crowd a little treat with a magic trick and his interview with Emma went smoothly.

Lionel told Emma that he held no grudges with Luisa due to his previous argument with her and he loved all of his housemates, especially Ollie, Sam and Lee. He even told Emma that he really liked Jim despite their strange relationship in the house. However he did say that he believed that Casey is playing a game as she is very much aware of the cameras. I guess we need to keep a closer eye on the model and wonder whether her sweet behaviour is a charade? Although I don’t really believe that, she is annoyingly hung up on Lee but apart from that I think she’s quite nice. 

Inside the house Casey and Lee made up on eviction day and Dappy and Luisa got extremely close. Let’s see what this week has to offer from the Celebrity Big Brother house. 

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