Jasmine becomes the second evictee from the Celeb BB house

Wednesday night brought around the second live eviction for this years Big Brother and this time it was Jasmine Waltz who got the boot. 

Jasmine, Jim, Liz and Luisa were the four up for eviction, and after Jim was the first to be saved by the public vote it was down to Liz, Luisa and Jasmine as to who would go. I myself really could not stand any more of Luisa or Jasmine’s disgusting actions in the house so would’ve been happy if any of them went, although I believed it might be Liz to go as she is soooooo boring. Finally Emma Willis announced  that the second evictee was Jasmine and I was overjoyed. Jasmine seemed quite shocked by this verdict, and her lover Lee was less than happy. 

Celeb Big Brother: Jasmine gets the boot

Having spent two weeks in the house Jasmine stirred up a lot of trouble; rowdy antics with Luisa, anger and fights with Jim and calling him a “Moody Bastard” and not to forget her spitefulness towards Casey after she had nominated her for eviction. Once Casey nominated Jasmine she said she no longer cared about Casey’s feelings towards Lee and would now openly flirt with him; and this she did indeed, too much if you ask me.

In her interview with Emma when asked if she would continue her romance with Lee once he left the house, Jasmine responded “I don’t know, you never know what the future holds.” This clearly showed that she didn’t really like Lee and only retaliated his affections, as he was somebody who gave her a lot of attention. Not forgetting that she also retaliated Dappy’s affections when he came onto her at the beginning. All I can say is that Jasmine thrives on attention, and she will pounce on anyone who gives her some. Her feelings for Lee are hardly real and poor Lee may realise this when he leaves the house. Also I really hope that Casey doesn’t try to get cosy with Lee again just because Jasmine has left, as this will portray her as a very desperate lady.

Another shocker we received on eviction night was that all the housemates are up for eviction for Friday nights show. Jasmine was given the power to save two housemates from eviction and much to everyone’s surprise she chose Casey and Linda. What was all that about!! That’s exactly what everyone else was thinking. Her reasons for saving these two were that ‘I think those two would have fun in there and I want the rest of them out here with me’ a lovely little insult to her nemesis before she left.

The ones up for eviction for Friday nights show are:









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