About this Blog

When I was a Journalism student my tutors would always encourage us to start a blog, they’d say every journalist needs a blog, but I never did start one as I didn’t know what to write about. My life is really not that interesting so I thought it would be pointless to start a blog. Now that i’m a journalism graduate something recently clicked in my mind as to what I could blog about. Whats the one thing I love to do and I am quite addicted to? Reality TV ofcourse. I am into many of the reality TV shows; I’m a celebrity, TOWIE, Made in Chelsea, the old time favourite The Hills, Geordie shore, Jersey shore and the list goes on. So I decided what better to blog about than the main thing I regularly love to watch.

Yes I might sound like a lazy girl who watches TV all day but I promise i’m not that lazy.. I think. Having Sky+ makes it so much easier to be able to watch everything that I want to watch, and at anytime, therefore allowing me to not miss out on anything.

So here goes my first blog which will feature anything and everything that is to do with reality TV shows.


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