And it all comes to an end – Ex on the beach

Ex on the beach came to an end on Tuesday with its final episode. Things came to blows as Ashley dived in for Liam when he couldn’t deal with any more of his shit stirring, Ricci and Vicky attempted to bring closure to their negative history and some of the other couples attempted to tie up loose ends. 

Ashley got fed up of Liam’s shit stirring and confronted him, along with Ricci, when he could take no more. Ash charged in to attack Liam but but he just tried to walk away from him, and give him digs from afar. Ash was then made to leave the villa early on the last day due to his behaviour. Him and Talitha did however manage to end things on a positive note and even got back together after leaving the ex on the beach villa, however according to T’s tweet last night it looks like they’re once again broken up:


Ricci and Vicky attempted to put things to bed between them and reconcile their differences, however things didn’t pan out so well. Vicky tried to make Ricci feel as if he was in “her house” and Ricci wasn’t taking any of her nonsense, telling her she is simply a “bully”. After seeing the final episode I do feel sorry for Ricci and can see how it was completely unfair for him to be judged by everyone based on Vicky’s opinion, it was nice that Chloe stuck by his side despite many of the other girls siding with Vicky. The lads however did give Ricci a chance and he was accepted by many of them at the end. 

Dan was a complete gentleman throughout ex on the beach and I am quite gutted him and Vicky are no longer together, however I do believe that he was too good for her, a
nd good for him for finding himself a lovely lady back in Aussie land. 

Dan Conn Ex On The Beach

The oddest couple ever, Joss and Farah, didn’t end up together after the show finished; not a shocker at all. It seems that they only latched onto each other because they didn’t manage to find anyone else in the house. 

Ross and Shelby seemed like they would give their relationship a go again, but we then found out at the end that they never did continue things back in the U.K and Ross is still the player he always has been; no surprise. 

We also didn’t hear, see or learn much about Emma, Jack or even Chloe or Emily in the final episodes or many of the previous ones as the bigger characters took over. 

In the end it seemed that nobody managed to find love in the Ex on the beach villa, but it did make great TV and it was an awesome show. Hopefully there will be a season 2 and a variety of new ex’s and house-mates. 

Ex On The Beach

All that’s left to say is WHO’S EX IS NEXT? 

The long awaited arrival of the dreaded ex – Ex on the beach 

Ricci finally arrived at the ex on the beach villa last night which caused major drama, panic and mayhem. Vicky completely freaked out when Ricci emerged from the sea, with nothing to say to him apart from “You little fucking tramp”. Chloe and Emily had Vicky’s back during the arrival as they stuck by her side and tried to calm her down when she cried and displayed her anger towards Ricci. 

The tablet of terror then made Chloe and Ricci go on a date in which Chloe judged Ricci from her own point of view instead of Vicky’s, and actually found him to be a decent guy. I did feel quite sorry for Ricci as he was pre judged by everyone due to Vicky’s opinions and he now has to change their opinions by trying to defend himself. 

Ex On The Beach Ricci Guarnaccio and Chloe Goodman

Ashley’s encounter with joss didn’t end up in a complete fist fight, however him and Talitha came to blows once again, resulting in them breaking up. Ash took this great opportunity to flirt with Chloe and even share a bed with her; news which was later conveyed to Talitha by none other than shit stirrer Liam. For now Talitha and Ash have broken up but we’ll just have to see how long the break up lasts in this doomed relationship. 

Ross and Shelby were made to go on an awful date to the cemetery at which they shared a kiss but Ross didn’t manage to get lucky; Shame Rossy. 

Next week we’ll see how the first meeting of Dan and Ricci pans out and also how Ricci copes with the hatred of Vicky.

Another ex, more mayhem, more drama 

An overcrowded house, the in pour of ex’s, secrets being exposed and ex’s rekindling their pasts all brought about a heap load of madness this week.

As more ex’s are beginning to enter the ex on the beach villa we are seeing lots of bed sharing taking place and ex’s revisiting where they left off. Chloe and Ross became extra flirty in last night’s episode and Ross told her that he felt that they had “unfinished business”, but just as quickly as he made this statement to her, the arrival of yet another one of his ex’s Shelby, showed how Ross is simply a ladies’ man or in other words ‘Marbella Ross’ as Vicky called him.

Chloe turned into a jealous ex yet again and immediately saw Shelby as her competition and threat by joining Ross is bed as he was in bed with Shelby, forcing Shelby to leave the bed.. Awkwardddd.

All was well in paradise for Ashley and Talitha as they became official boyfriend and girlfriend at the beginning of the episode, but the happiness didn’t last long. Talitha was made to go on a date with Joss, much to hers and Ashley’s annoyance, and it was a complete disaster, much to Ashley’s relief. But when Ash and Talitha got the opportunity to spend a night together whilst the others went out they ended up arguing and fighting. 

The next morning Talitha had a conversation with Joss in which it became clear that he had every intention to expose their previous kiss to Ashley. The fear of the truth coming caused Talitha to speak to Ashley and come clean, here’s when Ashley’s flipped his lid and went storming out to Jossy, seeing only red in his eyes. We’ll see in next week’s episode how this fight pans out. 

Farah and Jossy began hotting up even more but newbie Shelby also posed a threat to her as she is not only Ross’s ex but also Joss’s. Farah played it clever by getting information out of Shelby as to why she had come here and Shelby made it clear that she was there to get Ross back; music to Farah’s ears. 

Next week we may eventually see the much waited arrival of Ricci and how shit goes down between Vick and Ricc, it should be exciting. 

Ex with a vengeance – Ex on the beach 

This week we saw Talitha’s ex Joss turn up to the mad house. Joss came with the idea of getting Talitha back and getting even with her ex Ashley. He also made it known that Talitha cheated on Ash when they were together by sharing a kiss with Joss. He didn’t however make this known to Ash so it’ll be interesting to see how he reacts when he finds out. 

Ex On The Beach: Who is Joss Mooney's ex?

Liam went about shit stirring as per usual and was given the ultimate payback by having to go on a date from hell with Emily. The two were made to go on a camping date; much to both of their disappointment, and Emily especially was not a happy camper. Before embarking on the adventure Liam said he may have feelings for Emily but upon their return from the date he took all that back due to her moods and told the boys she had “Shit crack”.

With the arrival of Joss there was already trouble in paradise with Ash and Talitha, and of course Liam made things worse by having a private conversation with T. Ashley’s jealous streak came out when he witnessed this convo taking place and told the cameras “She better behave herself”. Can I say psychoooo?

Ex On The Beach star Ashley Cain

Farah and Joss got a little cosy after they were made to go on a date together but it’s evident that joss is simply being a ‘lad’ as he has supposedly had a fling, in the past, with many of the other girls in the house. Poor Farah.

We didn’t hear much from fit Dan or Vicky this episode but we saw bits of Ricky and are yet to witness the doom of his arrival. 




Dan’s the man – Ex on the beach

Fit Dan from Australia rocked up on ex on the beach last night with the hopes of rekindling his relationship with Vicky. 

Dan appeared on Geordie shore when the gang went to Australia and had a little holiday romance with Vicky, since then they haven’t met so when he came yesterday it was a breath of fresh air to watch somebody get excited with the arrival of their ex. Smitten Vicky ran to the sea to welcome Dan and they quickly picked up where they left off. She did have the dreaded news to tell him about her short fling with Ross but Dan, being cool as a cucumber, took the news pretty well and they exchanged a cheeky little smooch.

Frankie officially left the villa yesterday as she was taken ill and was unable to continue to appear on the show. Marco was very excited by this news instead of worrying about his on/off girlfriend (twat) the other’s also seemed extremely relieved by her exit. 

Ex On The Beach

Talitha and Liam were made to go on a date together by the tablet of terror and, surprisingly, had a great time. Talitha managed to get the stirrer to open up about his feelings and relationship history and they have managed to form a bond together; much to the annoyance of Ashley. When Talitha began speaking to Liam about her relationship with Ashley, Ash did not seem very pleased by it and it looks like he may have reached his boiling point.

All the girls formed an ‘I hate Chloe’ gang this week and, when confronted by Farah about her flirtatiousness with the guys and ignoring of the girls, Chloe realised she has probably made a major mistake and has decided she is now going to be ‘team girls’.

Next week we’ll see more arrivals and more mayhem take place. 

Psycho ex girlfriends and heated drama – Ex on the beach

In this weeks Ex on the Beach we saw Marco’s ex girlfriend Frankie become a complete and utter psycho. I mean we could already tell she was from the get go when she told Marco that he can’t go on any more dates, but in this second episode we also saw how gullible she was when she believed Liam that Marco actually liked Emily, of-course this was simply Liam trying to stir up some trouble. We then saw Frankie storm back to the house and pounce on Marco on his return. When it became knowledge that this was simply a lie Mad Frank continued to go off on Marco and told him to “Be a man about things instead of being an absolute girl.” Things then kicked off between the men but Liam stuck by his lie just to see a bit of drama occur.

The most shocking thing was that despite knowing Marco doesn’t have feelings for Emily, Frankie continued to put restrictions on him and this brought Emily to her boiling point, ending in an argument between Frankie vs Vicky and Emily. In this round it seems like Vicky and Emily won as we saw Frankie pack up to leave the house at the end of the episode. 

Vicky went on her third date with Ross, Chloe’s ex, and things have started to hot up between them. The funny thing is that although Chloe is having her own little fling with Ashley she can’t help but get jealous and moody when she sees Vicky and Ross return from a date; You can’t have your cake and eat it too love!

We also saw another ex arrive this week which was Ashley’s ex Talitha, a very pretty lady who looks very much like Nicole Scherzinger in my opinion. She was not as crazy or psycho like Frankie but was very vocal about the fact that she was here to get Ashley back. Her arrival was veryyyyy awkward as Ashley was giving Chloe a back massage, and on Talitha’s arrival Chloe struggled to get her bikini top back on.  Ashley made it clear that he did still have feelings for Talitha but that he still wanted to explore things with Chloe and go on a date with her. 

I’m still eagerly waiting on the arrival of Vicky’s ex Ricci as we know that’s when shit will go through the roof. But I think his arrival is being saved till the end. Let’s wait and see who’s ex is next! 😀


Ex on the beach

This trashy yet addictive show started last night and I couldn’t help but watch it to see what it was all about.

A similar show to Geordie Shore, Ex on the beach was full of drinking, partying, hooking up and lots of vomit. As much as I hate to watch these kinds of shows they somehow become my guilty pleasure. Unlike Geordie shore however, Ex on the beach has  a decent concept as it is all about finding a holiday romance with a twist.

Eight hot singletons were sent to a hot holiday destination with the hopes and belief that they were about to find love or at least have a short holiday fling with a hottie. The singletons included:

Vicky Pattinson from Geordie Shore – 

Chloe – 

Marco –

Emily – 

Liam – 

Farah – 

Ashely – 

Jack –


The sexy eight thought that they were there to simply mingle, flirt and go on dates with one another in order to find the ‘one’ or a fling. However all was not as it seemed as little known to the cast, all their ex’s would be showing up to ruin the party and cause chaos; a concept which is quite different and reason why I liked it.

After a day of getting to know each other, partying and vomiting (not a nice thing to watch when you’re eating) one by one the ex’s of the members began to show up. First came Chloe’s ex Ross, whom she seemed very excited to see, running up to him when he emerged from the water and wrapping her legs around him. However Chloe refused to tell the others that she had anything to do with Ross and simply stated that they were just friends. This statement didn’t do her any favours as as soon as Ross began to get close to Vicky Chloe’s mood changed and the water works began. 

The second ex to emerge and shock the group was Marco’s ex Frankie, and she seemed like a complete psycho questioning Marco straight away on whether he had been on any dates, and when he said he had she announced “You’re not going on another one. You think I’m joking? I’m being serious. I’m here – you can’t go on a date with another girl. I’m here” Awkwardddd.

Next week we’ll see more ex’s arrive and the most dreaded of all –  Vicky’s ex Ricci. Things are going to blow up and I know I wont be missing it.